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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/20 in all areas

  1. I think your main class NewDawn has to annotated with @EventBusSubscriber(modid = [your_modid], bus = Bus.MOD), but leave "@Mod" Then the methods with @SubribeEvent (like your ore gen) will be executed
    2 points
  2. Add a configurated feature in the biome (probably an OreFeature if generated in clusters) with your own FillerBlockType created using FillerBlockType#create. If you're generating clusters of one, use ReplaceBlockFeature where you only need to provide a blockstate of the target and new state. Remember to call these methods within a DeferredWorkQueue within your FMLCommonSetupEvent as they are not thread-safe.
    1 point
  3. Why don't extend NewChatGui and use accesstransformer to make the needed fields/methods public. And don't use reflections if you can use forge's events. Cancel InitGuiEvent.Pre when the chat should be opened and open your own on InitGuiEvent.Post
    1 point
  4. Howdy you might find this tutorial project useful https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample see mbe04 but probably a TileEntity and TileEntityRender is more suited to what you're trying to do (mbe20, mbe21). -TGG
    1 point
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