This FAQ has many guides and solutions - reading this before asking for help could save you a lot of time, as it accounts for the vast majority of issues people run into that we're aware of but can't fix on our end.
Supported versions and platforms
We only support Forge here. We cannot help you with Fabric, Spigot, etc...
We support all versions under the tiered support policy.
Full support for 1.21.4, 1.21.3, 1.21.1, 1.20.6, 1.20.4 and 1.20.1
Legacy support for all other versions
Minimal support for select versions (e.g. 1.20.3 - use 1.20.4 instead)
More details here.
Piracy (aka "cracked launchers") and cheats (aka "PvP clients", "x-ray mods", etc...) are strictly forbidden here.
When you need help, please always make a new thread. Do not post in old support threads.
When making a new thread, you must include a link to your log on or Instructions on where to find this and how to upload it are in this forum post.
Exit/error codes
Here's a list of exit codes and what they mean:
Error code 0: Someone clicked "Quit game" and the game closed successfully
Error code 1 and -1: The game crashed, refer to the log and/or crash report for details
Error code -1073741819: A game library crashed. Update your drivers and make sure you're using the right Java version
Where can I find the debug.log and crash report?
Official Minecraft launcher
CurseForge app
MultiMC/PolyMC/Prism launcher
Where can I find the installer log?
Where can I find the launcher log?
Most of the time you don't need to share this, so only share it when asked by a support volunteer or when you're unable to find any debug.log or crash report.
Official Minecraft launcher
CurseForge app
What version of Java do I need?
| Minecraft version | Forge version | Java version |
| 1.20.6 or newer | 50.x or newer | 21 |
| 1.18 - 1.20.4 | 38.x or newer | 17 |
| 1.17.1 | 37.x | 16 |
| 1.16.5 or older | 36.x or older | 8 |
How do I install Java?
How do I install the Forge client to the official Minecraft Launcher?
How do I install the Forge server?
Where can I find the forge.jar to start my server?
Forge immediately crashes on launch without any mods installed, how do I fix it?
Where can I find Forge mods?
Make sure you download the right version of a mod for your Minecraft version.
My game is lagging, how can I find the culprit?
How do I update my drivers?