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Everything posted by ChampionAsh5357

  1. I think that statement should be self explanatory if you understand java well enough. Also, 1.16.3 has a new way of registering features for biomes via BiomeLoadingEvent. Use that instead over this outdated makeshift answer which would result in a lot of concurrency issues.
  2. We're not here to give you an exact solution but the tools you need to solve the problem yourself. The more specific you can be, the better help we can provide. If you can, show examples of what you have coded so far and what parts you are unsure on how to do so we may elaborate on that part. Basically, tell us exactly how we can help and we will give you the information necessary to succeed in that ideal if possible and applicable to the standards.
  3. Make a capability that translates to an overlay. Also, next time please be descriptive in your thread instead of 'how to this'. It seems you are just looking for something to copy-paste.
  4. Two reasons, tree not close enough so an endless loop cycles or position gets reset every tick not giving the navigator enough time to move. As I said before, you assume the entity is going to move from one location to another in a single tick. That's not how logic works. Cramming an entire brain system into a single goal is almost impossible without hundreds and hundreds of checks.
  5. https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gettingstarted/
  6. You should probably not do what you're doing. This basically says: here, try and do everything within a single tick and all at once. I'm not sure if the brain system exists yet, but this type of system is more appropriate for that over what you are doing now. This is not to mention, there are already goals that do what you are looking for correctly rather than continually executing a statement over and over again with no AI finish ever happening. You expect everything to be done in a single tick, and that's not how logic works.
  7. Learn about layer renderers and capabilities. Both of those are probably require to achieve this effect and sync it across players.
  8. Data generators would create this in a matter of milliseconds for hundreds of blocks at once. Writing files manually is not recommended.
  9. It means update to the latest version of 1.16.x where X is the highest number you can find (in this case 3). Uh what? You shouldn't have to copy and paste anything anywhere. If you are using the default MDK and Intellij, All you should need to do is extract and then open the folder location within the IDE.
  10. First, update to the latest minor. Second, show the entire stacktrace instead of a snippet. Third, list the exact process done to setup the workspace. I'm curious what you mean by "redownloading".
  11. These versions are not supported on this forum. Please update to at least LTS 1.15.2 to receive support.
  12. NetworkHooks#openGui called in Item#onItemRightClick. It should only be on the logical server, and your container reference will probably need to be an IForgeContainerType. TileEntity -> Block as ItemStack -> Item. You will need to store the information using NBT tags on the stack by either doing it manually or through the recommended way of capabilities.
  13. Pressing F5 and refreshing the gradle import are two different things. You could always try doing gradlew --stop, clean, and then refresh. Of course your IDE should be closed while you do this.
  14. You probably want to refresh your gradle workspace then because the files do exist. I can even find them in the package explorer.
  15. Define missing. Can you not import the class? Or are you looking for the jar it's held in?
  16. A fourth dimensional concept is problematic for many reasons. You would almost need to rip out all physics handled by minecraft to write a custom engine that can handle all the data properly. Graphics-wise, yes, the computations would be the same in regular world movement. However, transition spaces would cause a terrible amount of lag as chunks would be loaded and unloaded and drawn every time you move along this axis. This is not even to discount the fact that Draco is completely right on the math there. In three dimensional space, all you have to is load a circle of the required information. Four dimensional space requires a sphere to be loaded at all times which is a dramatic increase. For reference, there is no nth-dimensional tool out there for rendering or physics. Closest that's been achieved is through 4d Toys, and that barely meets that requirement. It would take an expert in either field upwards of about 10 years to get a semi-efficient concept working well with current day technology. A non-euclidean environment in minecraft would take less time and work much more efficiently and that requires a good amount of work too. You can attempt to make one, but you're better off writing an entirely new game instead.
  17. They still exist. No idea what you are referring to.
  18. I wouldn't use LootTableLoadEvent. Instead of doing this, look into using global loot modifiers (GLMs) instead. That would be the correct way of handling this. Also, to answer your question, you're missing the mod id passed into the event bus subscriber annotation.
  19. Sure, just don't include it in the tag and create a predicate that only specifically checks for what you want.
  20. If you mean simply like logging what a player types, use one of the many chat events in game and stored the text component or string being sent. Which one depends on where you would like to store the information. Probably the simplest to use is ClientChatEvent.
  21. You need a custom entity and send the required client data such that it renders that information correctly. Take a look at Item#getUseDuration and AbstractArrowEntity#setDamage
  22. Upper camel case is the correct formatting for file names. It should specify what the class is followed by a suffix of the object it's representing. In this case, you are making some power reinforced armor (im american sue me) so it would be PowerReinforcedArmorModel. I don't need to think you think that I think anything. Your pictures show a name with that class. So what you think that I think isn't applicable to the actual scenario.
  23. Then you could just reuse the processes needed to get the BakedQuad in the upwards direction from the IBakedModel of each Block from the class you are referencing. I would recommend caching this data when applicable.
  24. Post the stacktrace here so we can diagnose it. This is not descriptive enough to warrant any help at the current moment without guessing.
  25. Are you trying to do this for your block or a generic one?
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