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Everything posted by Rheel

  1. Did you specify the natives folder? You need to do that for lwjgl.jar, lwjgl_util.jar and Jinput.jar
  2. Is there anyone who might know an answer?
  3. Do you have the program arguments --version 1.6 --tweakClass cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
  4. You should launch with net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.
  5. I did that already, doesn't work unfortunately.
  6. So, I've recently made a GUI that contains some itemstack rendering in it (no GuiContainer, I couldn't use that for this case since I didn't want the items to be in a slot). The items render just fine, but the blocks seem to be about 50% to dark. I've tried disabling the lightning with GL11, but that doesn't help. Is there any way I could fix this? (I am probably just derping, but I really cannot find the problem) Code for ItemStack rendering: private void drawItemStack(StackWithPos stack, Minecraft mc, boolean remote, int xStart, int yStart) { if (stack != null && stack.item != null) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); this.zLevel = 50.0F; this.itemRenderer.zLevel = 50.0F; GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting(); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST); if (remote) { this.itemRenderer.renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI(this.fontRenderer, mc.renderEngine, stack.item, stack.x + xStart, stack.y + yStart); } else { this.itemRenderer.renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI(this.fontRenderer, mc.renderEngine, stack.item, stack.x + 100 + xStart, stack.y + yStart + 46); } RenderHelper.disableStandardItemLighting(); this.itemRenderer.zLevel = 0.0F; this.zLevel = 0.0F; GL11.glPopMatrix(); } }
  7. Hello, Is there any possible way of getting the registered metadata values of a certain item/block while serverside? Kind of like the item.getSubItems method, but that one is @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT). I basicly don't want to scroll through I don't even know how many values (-> 10000?) to check if that is a valid metadata value (I wouldn't even know how.), since that would be rather time consuming.
  8. I did some testing, and i seems that with 3 different block IDs, it doesn't give the bug. This is weird...
  9. I have the following problem. I want to set all the blocks from the coordinates of a specific Integer[] to id 0. I'm doing this with this code: for (Integer[] coord : this.coords.get(meta)) { System.out.println((x + coord[0]) + " " + (y + coord[1]) + " " + (z + coord[2]) + " " + world.getBlockId(x + coord[0], y + coord[1], z + coord[2])); world.setBlock((x + coord[0]), (y + coord[1]), (z + coord[2]), 0); } Th output is now 2013-03-23 14:47:19 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] -274 64 94 2676 2013-03-23 14:47:19 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] -275 63 94 0 2013-03-23 14:47:19 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] -275 64 94 0 Which means that the final two are probably already 0. But this is not the case, they are 2676 too. Here comes the weird thing. If I do this: for (Integer[] coord : this.coords.get(meta)) { System.out.println((x + coord[0]) + " " + (y + coord[1]) + " " + (z + coord[2]) + " " + world.getBlockId(x + coord[0], y + coord[1], z + coord[2])); } it prints out this: 2013-03-23 14:51:38 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] -277 65 114 2676 2013-03-23 14:51:38 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] -278 64 114 2676 2013-03-23 14:51:38 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] -278 65 114 2676 Which means that the id is indeed 2676. Now what have I done wrong? When I run the code, the blocks are still there, except the one that was called first.
  10. Getting and saving serverside information with a GUI.
  11. Your mistake is in this line: LanguageRegistry.addName("talipBlock", "Talip Block"); Where you do "talipBlock" When in quotation marks ("..."), a type is called a String. What you are doing is naming a String. This is not what you should do, which is naming the Object (Block) that you are naming. In this your code should look something like this: LanguageRegistry.addName(talipBlock, "Talip Block"); In that code you are making a reference to the public static Block talipBlock; which is what you want to do. edit: This is something that is really recommended before you start modding.
  12. Hello everyone! I was wondering if it is possible to get the serverside instance of a client-side EntityPlayer. If so, how would I need to do it? I was thinking FMLCommonHandler.instance().getMinecraftServerInstance().getServer().worldServerForDimension(entity.worldObj.provider.dimensionId) getting the serverside world like this, but the .getMinecraftServerInstance() is null. Is there any way that would work?
  13. Basically, I got the unique world specific file like this (for World--- the overworld outputs at ../saves/world---/data/AA/World0, For the Nether ../Data/AA/World-1, etc.): String s = Minecraft.getMinecraftDir().getCanonicalPath() + "/saves/" + world.getSaveHandler().getSaveDirectoryName() + "/data/AA/World" + world.provider.dimensionId + ".dat"; Then I made a HashMap<string, Object>, similar to how NBT works. finaly I save the HashMap to the File using BufferedWriter and FileOutputStream
  14. With a lot of coding, I worked out to have a cusotm world specific save file that can save and pull a sort of custom NBT kinda thing without being a coremod. It would be a lot better if Forge could just have you save custom NBTs in the world file...
  15. Does Forge have a way to save a custom NBTTagCompound, which you can get when the world is reopened? If not, is there any way Minecraft Forge would be implementing such a feature?
  16. Rheel


    I am thinking of adding a variable to the world that for each chunk would be different. How would you guys do something like that? I'd think you would need some kind of (Tile)Entity that would safe that data for each chunk. Or can you do something with an existing class that would not need a (Tile)Entity to store it (RegionFile?) ?
  17. I don't belief you can fix that. IC2, EE3, etc have the same problem.
  18. I've got this really weird MCP recompiling bug when I try to recompile a test build of my mod. There are no errors in the code, no warnings, the game in eclipse works like it should. Enyone able to help me or is it just waiting until MCP launches a new release? Using: MCP 1.26 and MCP 1.26b MinecraftForge Minecraft 1.4.7 [spoiler=cmd output] ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:56: error: ';' expected this.seedfertilitylevels.put(this, fertilityLevel); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:56: error: <identifier> expected this.seedfertilitylevels.put(this, fertilityLevel); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:56: error: illegal start of type this.seedfertilitylevels.put(this, fertilityLevel); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:56: error: <identifier> expected this.seedfertilitylevels.put(this, fertilityLevel); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:58: error: illegal start of type if (!seedList.contains(this)) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:58: error: illegal start of type if (!seedList.contains(this)) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:58: error: ')' expected if (!seedList.contains(this)) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:58: error: ';' expected if (!seedList.contains(this)) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:58: error: invalid method declaration; return type required if (!seedList.contains(this)) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:58: error: illegal start of type if (!seedList.contains(this)) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:58: error: ';' expected if (!seedList.contains(this)) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:63: error: <identifier> expected SeedItem.addItem(id, spriteIndex + 32, name, level, fertilityLev el, this); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:63: error: <identifier> expected SeedItem.addItem(id, spriteIndex + 32, name, level, fertilityLev el, this); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:63: error: <identifier> expected SeedItem.addItem(id, spriteIndex + 32, name, level, fertilityLev el, this); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:63: error: ';' expected SeedItem.addItem(id, spriteIndex + 32, name, level, fertilityLev el, this); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:63: error: illegal start of type SeedItem.addItem(id, spriteIndex + 32, name, level, fertilityLev el, this); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:63: error: <identifier> expected SeedItem.addItem(id, spriteIndex + 32, name, level, fertilityLev el, this); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:63: error: illegal start of type SeedItem.addItem(id, spriteIndex + 32, name, level, fertilityLev el, this); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:63: error: <identifier> expected SeedItem.addItem(id, spriteIndex + 32, name, level, fertilityLev el, this); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:63: error: ';' expected SeedItem.addItem(id, spriteIndex + 32, name, level, fertilityLev el, this); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:64: error: illegal start of type seed = new ItemStack(Farming.seed, id, 1); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:64: error: <identifier> expected seed = new ItemStack(Farming.seed, id, 1); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:64: error: ';' expected seed = new ItemStack(Farming.seed, id, 1); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:64: error: illegal start of type seed = new ItemStack(Farming.seed, id, 1); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:64: error: ';' expected seed = new ItemStack(Farming.seed, id, 1); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:64: error: <identifier> expected seed = new ItemStack(Farming.seed, id, 1); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:64: error: <identifier> expected seed = new ItemStack(Farming.seed, id, 1); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:64: error: illegal start of type seed = new ItemStack(Farming.seed, id, 1); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:64: error: <identifier> expected seed = new ItemStack(Farming.seed, id, 1); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:64: error: ';' expected seed = new ItemStack(Farming.seed, id, 1); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:66: error: illegal start of type if (levels.containsKey(level)) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:66: error: ';' expected if (levels.containsKey(level)) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:66: error: invalid method declaration; return type required if (levels.containsKey(level)) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:66: error: <identifier> expected if (levels.containsKey(level)) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:66: error: ';' expected if (levels.containsKey(level)) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:72: error: illegal start of type else ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:72: error: ';' expected else ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:75: error: <identifier> expected l.add(this); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:75: error: illegal start of type l.add(this); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:76: error: <identifier> expected levels.put(level, l); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:76: error: <identifier> expected levels.put(level, l); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:76: error: <identifier> expected levels.put(level, l); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:79: error: class, interface, or enum ex pected if (!availableLevels.contains(level)) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:82: error: class, interface, or enum ex pected } ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:85: error: class, interface, or enum ex pected public Seed init() ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:88: error: class, interface, or enum ex pected } ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:90: error: class, interface, or enum ex pected public static final void addSeed(Seed seed) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:93: error: class, interface, or enum ex pected } ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:95: error: class, interface, or enum ex pected public static int getSeedID(Seed seed) ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:98: error: class, interface, or enum ex pected } ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:100: error: class, interface, or enum e xpected public static void initSeeds() ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:103: error: class, interface, or enum e xpected potato.init(); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:104: error: class, interface, or enum e xpected carrot.init(); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:105: error: class, interface, or enum e xpected pumpkin.init(); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:106: error: class, interface, or enum e xpected melon.init(); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:107: error: class, interface, or enum e xpected ward.init(); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:108: error: class, interface, or enum e xpected glow.init(); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:109: error: class, interface, or enum e xpected magmaCream.init(); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:110: error: class, interface, or enum e xpected fruit.init(); ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\farming\Seed.java:111: error: class, interface, or enum e xpected } ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\machines\MutatorFertilityLevels.java:9: error: unmappable character for encoding UTF-8 public static final int LEVEL_?BER = 5; ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\machines\MutatorFertilityLevels.java:9: error: <identifie r> expected public static final int LEVEL_?BER = 5; ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\machines\MutatorMutationHandler.java:39: error: unmappabl e character for encoding UTF-8 case MutatorFertilityLevels.LEVEL_?BER: ^ src\minecraft\rheel\aa\machines\MutatorMutationHandler.java:39: error: ';' expec ted case MutatorFertilityLevels.LEVEL_?BER: ^ 81 errors ================== !! Can not find server sources, try decompiling !! Druk op een toets om door te gaan. . .
  19. Nope, not without editing base classes.
  20. Well, that's the problem. "learn ***" doesn't help, since I told you: With this I am meaning to say that I tried, but that it didn't work out. Oh and with tried I mean I tried like multiple HOURS... Bringing me to about 1% of understanding WHAT I have to learn doesn't help as long as you don't tell me HOW I have to learn it, or if you don't teach me. Oh and I already know it has to do with "case 1:, case 2:, etc" but how I have to use it...
  21. I think this is something a LOT of modders would like to know, at least I think. I tried to find it out, but I can't get it to work: sub-id's. Can someone make a tutorial on how to let a item/block have sub-id's?
  22. I didn't understand this part. Can you explain it a bit more?
  23. Hey guys! Anyone here that knows how to add multiple potion effects to a food item? I could add one with this code: .setPotionEffect(Potion.regeneration.id, 100, 2, 1.0F) but more didn't work.
  24. edit: Forget what I said, it was just a java fail. It works now. I copied the whole code into a new MCP, and it works fine.
  25. I did, and still do.
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