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Everything posted by Differentiation

  1. Spelling, sentence structure. All I'm trying to point out is that it is recommended that one updates to a newer version. I am. You don't know my age, so don't start assuming. Agree. Sorry, I meant all the popular servers...
  2. Being a spectator ALWAYS changes the gamemode... you can't just do that. You can however, make the player invisible and change their gamemode to adventure mode, that's the closest you would get to what you want.
  3. THAT'S NOT how you handle your packages...
  4. You also want to make sure that you don't have any background tasks, such as Chrome, running on your computer while you run Minecraft, those can disturb your frames per second.
  5. Another person who switches from 1.8.9 to 1.7.10 because of the stupid animations... ahhh... the 12-year-olds. Listen, just use your OrangeMarshall's 1.7 Animations mod and don't switch to 1.7.10, EVER. Badlion and all those other 1.7.10 servers can also allow 1.8 clients most of the time.
  6. No problem, always a pleasure to help If you could please insert a "[SOLVED]" on the title to know it is solved Thanks!
  7. When you run gradlew build, make sure you add --info or --debug to see the exact errors and flaws.
  8. What's your graphics card? You have to supply us with more information to be able to help you. Quick solution if you did not yet figure this out: If you are using Forge, install the OptiFine HD mod.
  9. Well said. No other comments.
  10. if (you are using version 1.8+) { You will get help } else { Thread will be locked. } @diesieben07
  11. The OP themselves said that they can't figure it out from what you told them (Look at ItemPotion), so you have to just tell then how to do it, and then they will learn. Like this
  12. Please don't do that... that's ridiculous, it tells you in the log – if you even tried to comprehend it – what mod is errored. (at com.google.common.base.Throwables.propagate(Throwables.java:240))...........................
  13. This Forum is for Modder Support strictly. If you do not have any code to show, please refer to another Forum. @diesieben07
  14. [Side comment: all readers except OP may ignore this] Cool signature!
  15. @Override public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot slotIn, ItemStack stack) { final Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> modifiers = super.getAttributeModifiers(slotIn, stack); if (slot == EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND) { replaceModifier(modifiers, SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_SPEED /* or whatever attribute you want to modify */, ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER /* ... */, int... amount); } return modifiers; } private void replaceModifier(Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> modifierMultimap, IAttribute attribute, UUID id, double multiplier) { // Get the modifiers for the specified attribute final Collection<AttributeModifier> modifiers = modifierMultimap.get(attribute.getAttributeUnlocalizedName()); // Find the modifier with the specified ID, if any final Optional<AttributeModifier> modifierOptional = modifiers.stream().filter(attributeModifier -> attributeModifier.getID().equals(id)).findFirst(); if (modifierOptional.isPresent()) { final AttributeModifier modifier = modifierOptional.get(); modifiers.remove(modifier); // Remove it modifiers.add(new AttributeModifier(modifier.getID(), modifier.getName(), modifier.getAmount() * multiplier, modifier.getOperation())); // Might wanna change the formula a bit because it's funky... } } } I use this in 1.10.2, I'm not sure if it works in 1.12.2 though
  16. You literally wrote "SOLVED" on your last post and now you're opening a new thread about the same topic, this time asking for explanations... I mean all I have to say is that that's not too professional... Very ambiguous. You have to get the server instance first from MinecraftServer, if I'm correct. You can't just write server.stop(); That will give you an error. I'm not too sure how to force the server to SERVER_STOP state though, never had to use that anyways...
  17. I thought 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this Forum?... Then this Thread should be locked right away?
  18. Update your mod to a newer version or start off with a clean slate 1.12(.2) mod.
  19. Obviously he's using hierarchical but he is getting errors so that's his problem.
  20. How about you learn some basic Java, and then come here? This topic should be pretty self explanatory even for cave trolls...
  21. Try to look at this method for EntityPlayer: EntityPlayer::addPotionEffect(PotionEffect...); Excellent example! However, the 60 can be changed and they might want to use an amplifier, particle visibility, and ambiance. Still a functional example.
  22. you don't put that in your reference, obviously the two methods are going to be underfined...
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