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Everything posted by GotoLink

  1. Don't code a mod because players easily can exploit them And they are actually complicated
  2. You can use RenderPlayerEvent.Post and change bipedRightArm.rotateAngle if player is holding your item.
  3. You may want to change this: @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) /** * Return the title for this record. */ public String getRecordTitle() { return "C418 - " + this.recordName; } To whatever it is you want. In your constructor, this is useless: this.recordName = "moddisc"; because it is already done by the call to super(id, recordName); You can also remove: public final String recordName; this field already exists in the parent class.
  4. This,placed in your item, prevents the swing animation from both clicks. That should do, combined with your cancelled event. public boolean onEntitySwing(EntityLivingBase entityLiving, ItemStack stack) { /*you can add your custom item use action for both clicks here*/ return true; } public EnumAction getItemUseAction(ItemStack par1ItemStack) { return EnumAction.none; } This prevents any animation on right click. (it is already in Item by default by the way)
  5. You need to have StrawberryCropBlock initialized before this. As of now it is initialized last.
  6. ...put the code into onBlockPlaced body ?
  7. Don't.Use.SideOnly.Annotation. tile.itemamount This field in your tile entity should be >0 in order for items to spawn. Where is it incremented ?
  8. public Packet getDescriptionPacket() { NBTTagCompound nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); this.writeToNBT(nbt); return new Packet132TileEntityData(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, 3, nbt); } This is the packet that will be sent when world.markBlockForUpdate(...) is called. If you want to manage the receiving part of this packet, you can change it into a Packet250CustomPayload, add extra data, and send it through your channel. Actually, you should change it. A Packet132TileEntityData with type 3 is assumed to come from a TileEntityBeacon.
  9. Then you should install a more recent version of Java.
  10. You have to play the sound with "test:x" as name, I think.
  11. You have client-server unsync issue. Look for any discrepancy between the two in the movement code.
  12. But you should have two screens. One is for the server holder and one for the client.
  13. You have to put soundPoolStreaming.addSound("folder:x.ogg") and then you can have it in "mods/mymod.jar/assets/folder/records/x.ogg" Provided it is a "record" type of sound you want. (and not music nor sound effect)
  14. If you want a new sound to be made when walking on your block: setStepSound(new StepSound("modid:customsound", volume, pitch)); when initializing block.
  15. @OwnAgePau Maybe you are calling this method from somewhere, just saying. @Hydroflame It depends on your version of Java, actually. But I agree it should work this way.
  16. From the log, the player is logged in. Which means you can get his socket adress, the player entity instance... You can use Minecraft.displayGuiScreen(instanceofyourguiclass), right ?
  17. I think you need a class that implements ModContainer, instead of your usual mod class. You'll receive events if you register your class to the bus and return true with : boolean registerBus(EventBus bus, LoadController controller);
  18. I don't think 65 can be properly divided by 11.
  19. Your error says that line var7.append(StatCollector.translateToLocalFormatted(this.field_111090_h, var13)); has wrong arg. From looking at StatCollector class, var13 should be an array of objects.
  20. Man, you are registering your entity twice. Just remove EntityRegistry.registerGlobalEntityID(EntityGuardAttackArrow.class, "guardarrow", EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId()); And you should extend RenderArrow and simply override protected ResourceLocation func_110775_a(Entity par1Entity) { return this.func_110779_a((EntityArrow)par1Entity); } With your ResourceLocation field. (which you may give a more significant name) Like this @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class RenderAttackArrow extends RenderArrow { private static final ResourceLocation guardArrow = new ResourceLocation("jnosh_advitems", "textures/entity/guardarrows.png"); protected ResourceLocation func_110775_a(Entity par1Entity) { return guardArrow; } }
  21. How are your running the thread ?
  22. Considering your latest piece of code, you are on client side, so use only client ticks.
  23. Did you register you renderer ? Did you place your texture in: assets/jnosh_advitems/textures/entity/guardarrows.png
  24. Use \u00A7 instead of the section mark, or EnumChatFormatting.
  25. You can use an IConnectionHandler registered with NetworkRegistry.
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