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Everything posted by Alasar
Hi community I'm creating a mod for which I need to explode blocks if they don't are surounded with specific other blocks. I did it with the onBlockAdded methob: But it doesn't explode!! Whats wrong here?
Okay first: other people made it too with ids over 265 second: I've solved that with the byte var38 = par3ArrayOfByte[var17];
Somehow it does something very weird: It takes the Id, ignores the first digit, and subtracts 7. My stone= 575 ----> Sign wall. Vanilla blocks work fine
Chunkprovider: Portal Block:
I know fixed this yesterday, but it still gives me signs??
Do you have any idea why it generates signs instead of my stone??
1. I've put in my biomeId in. 2.Then I could create my own world type in my own Dimension?
It didn't work, so I tried with the original Chungenerator instead of using my own one. So it generated this: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Qk7J5GnFEog/URKnP5ehsfI/AAAAAAAAAHw/SWs4tRoiIaU/h120/2013-02-06_19.49.09.png[/img]So now I'm completly at my limits with Java and my teacher couldn't help me either Somehow it doesn't use my own chunkgenerator which I registred in the Worldprovider: And it's obviously still not generating my stone. Thanks for the help until now though...
Sounds good, I put that assignment at the end of the generate method and put the vanilla stone back: But now It still doesn't work...
Okay, can't I create some kind of own byte array? I mean, other people managed it too and I don't see anything in their sourcecode... Edit: it doesn't work either with other Blocks from vanilla...
Hi community, I'm trying to replace all Stone, Dirt und Grass Blocks in my new Dimension with my own ones. But It won't work. I just took the old Chunkprovider and changed the things I wanted to have. The whole thing doesn't ever produce an error, neither in eclipse nor ingame. It just doesn't place my blocks... Here are my important methods: The generate terrain from my chunkprovider: And my biome file: Would be awesome to get some help on this one... Greets Alasar
Need that too
You can do that with the WorldProvider of your Dimension:
Hi guys, my mod makes progress, now I've created my Antimatter Dimension, but I have another problem: I want to create a onBlockAdded method in my Antimatterblock classes that the Blocks explode if you place them next to a regular matter block. I've done this: Would it somehow be possible to grab all Blocks from Block.java and from TVMain.java with 2 integers or do I have to fill in all Blocks?? Greets Alasar
Oh yeah Sometimes I'm a little dumb
Hi guys, I want to create a new armor set and i've got everything, but it doesn't render properly. The icon and the rendered armor don't work: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-9xZRmJGmNmI/UPnPn9hMuKI/AAAAAAAAAHo/cTc3pfAEH1w/s609/2013-01-18_23.31.33.jpg[/img] https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-mMZFO_Wr89Q/UPnPo_gQ06I/AAAAAAAAAHY/NdfGQfJAlKs/s128/2013-01-18_23.31.42.png[/img] I have registered the renderid for the armor with FML so i didn't had to change something in the proxy right? Hope you can help me Alasar
Hi community out there, I'm creating a new dimension in order to get my new mod done. I wanna spawn the player inside a structure and so I pluged in the spawn coordinates called from the World.class: Can someone please help me to get this working??? Thanks beforehand Alasar
Hi community, I'm trying to create a new Dimension independent from Dimension API. Now I'm getting this error and I can't find my fault. Would be kind to help me, thanks. My Main class (I colored the important parts) And my WorldProvider: The error looks like this: Thanks for your help in advance. Alasar
Thanks for the help, I think its working now. But now I just get Errors while generating the chunks (I get nothing done without a Tutorial or help, I know ) They look like this: Here are my Worldprovider, Chunkprovider, Chunkmanager and the Chunk Class itself: I know it kinda sucks to read all that code only to help me, but I think that's this forum about, isn't it? Anyway would help me a lot Thanks in advance
Thanks a lot. But now I get an error: Do you know what I did wrong?
Works now (the color) Thanks for the help in advance.
Somehow can't I color the actual code. Don't know what I'm doing wrong, there are tags around it like it should
Hi, I'm new here in this Forum but I'll try to explain my problem as easy as possible and hope for fast help. Im trying to create a new Dimension (actually more than one) only with Forge. I know that Dimension API could do more, but I like to be independent from it. I registred the world provider and createt the teleporter, but I keep ending up in the Nether while teleporting. Here's the code of my teleporter-related classes: Thanks for your help beforehand. Greets Alasar