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Everything posted by Babelincoln1809

  1. Something like this? if so which getter should I be looking for in this case? https://pastebin.com/k0sutDrr
  2. I referenced the code and .Json files of a flower and grass block to get it to have the model and everything, but currently ran into this issue where there's black surrounding the texture. I'm not sure if it's a shading issue or what, but I looked back the code and tried finding a similar issue and couldn't find any answers. I'm sure I'm just missing a line of code or something. Anyways, here's my code... https://pastebin.com/rh3fk41b
  3. Alright got it, thank you
  4. Here it is https://pastebin.com/RQAgbCe3
  5. Anyone know if there is anyway to make the item cooldown not sync among itemstacks? I want make an shootable item dual wieldable but if I have one in my offhand and the other in my main hand they both cooldown at the same time and only the one in the main hand shoots. I tried messing with NBT Tags but that didn't work and looked around to see if there was anything to help. Not sure what else I can use or if there is anything I can do to fix this issue besides create another item to be used for the offhand.
  6. I currently ran into an issue where my if I have a certain line of code it'll crash the game, but if I don't have it it won't spawn the ore but load the game just fine. Any help? Here's my code, I commented the line that causes the crash. https://pastebin.com/Q6XecReD I ran into this same issue in 1.14.4 I believe and never knew how to fix it
  7. Alright that worked, thanks
  8. I had to downgrade my 1.16.3 workspace to 1.16.1 due to the world gen issue that is currently going on with those versions, and I'm running into an issue that when running the workspace I get... "[00:26:04] [Render thread/FATAL] [ne.mi.fm.ModLoader/CORE]: Error during pre-loading phase net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoadingException: Mod File in-development needs language provider javafml:34 or above to load §7We have found 32.0" I'm not sure how to change/downgrade the language provider, any help would be much appreciated. EDIT: I think I found the solution, pretty sure I just need to download a MDK of 1.16.1, move my src to that workspace, and use that. Correct me if I'm wrong Update: That did not work, so I'm lost by this point. I kept a backup incase there is not solution to this issue other than completely restart from scratch in 1.16.1.
  9. I'm trying make my item shoot three projectiles in a row, but just having issues with the numbers. It works when facing certain angles but doesn't anywhere else. Any help? https://pastebin.pl/view/17e64e8a
  10. That worked, thank you!!
  11. Anyone know how to make the projectile not be affected by gravity? I did the "this.setNoGravity(true)", but it doesn't seem to work. I dunno if I set it in the wrong spot or not or something else. Here's my code: https://pastebin.com/wu1sN93q
  12. I couldn't find REACH_DISTANCE. Think you can provide an example or something?
  13. Anyone know what the Interface is called for IExtendedReach now or just what it changed to? I can't find any recent mentions of it or anything on the interenet.
  14. I did the "./gradlew genEclipseRuns" and ran configurations to be client, but I keep getting this error where it says "Launch configuration runClient references non-existing project PdDevelopment." Any help?
  15. I've done everything I could think of to try and fix the issue I am having. I downloaded older versions of Eclipse and Forge to see if it was the issue and stuff. Currently when I load up my workspace for the first time I get this error... "The type org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files ExampleMod.java /PdDevelopment/src/main/java/com/example/examplemod" This still happened when I replaced the example src with my current src. I had to get my computer fixed and just got it back today and haven't seen this issue before when setting up a workspace ever. Any help would be much appreciated (I'm probably just overthinking the issue lol).
  16. Anyone know where a guide for NBT Tags are for 1.14? Some videos are a bit outdated and stuff.
  17. I'm trying everything, and it's 2:30 in the morning. Any advice helpful. I'm trying to make mob take damage when you rightclick on it with a certain item class to sum it all up.
  18. So what do I do instead?
  19. I have an item, and I'm trying to get it to spawn multiple Evoker fangs. I can only get one to spawn if I don't have the current code in the class for spawning it. I tried multiple stuff. Here's my code. https://hastebin.com/bagixaxebo.java
  20. Thanks! Looking through has made me started to connect some things, but no solution yet sadly. Anywhere I should start looking in the DuelWield class specifically? Or just anywhere, there's a lot lol
  21. I mean, it has the damage already when it is in the offhand. I did that through the attribute modifiers, the current issue is getting it to actually just hit when I rightclick. Right now it doesn't do anything, besides play the swing animation
  22. Would I just put in the same code I have for The RightClick Event and add the damage stuff to it? I want the player to still have to right click when using it off hand so they can use say a pickaxe in the other.
  23. Getting the offhand to work is.. tricky from what I've been seeing. I'm trying to get my custom weapon to be able to do damage on the offhand as if it were in the mainhand. Like a sword basically. I got it to do the animation, and, although a little buggy, set the damage and speed attributes when it is in the offhand. I just can't get it to actually hit mobs. Here's my code. https://paste.dimdev.org/roxedimuku.java
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