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Everything posted by ProPane865

  1. Ok... and? This thread should be marked as "solved" if you removed the print statement.
  2. I don't see a print...
  3. Please start your own thread, and do not extend on other threads with "I have this issue too!" type of replies.
  4. Just click on it... It's meant for 1.12.2... just not named that way.
  5. More info please...
  6. I feel fairly certain that either the exclamation in the path caused the problem or the launcher isn't installed correctly. Try repairing the installation. If that does not work, then remove the exclamation in the path.
  7. His real username does not have an exclamation. EDIT: The filename path has an exclamation in it.
  8. The version that worked for me is 27.0.47 (Sorry, I know you said you used old versions).
  9. Just delete the version from .minecraft/versions and download a Fresh copy of Forge 1.12 for Windows and install as usual. Show screenshots if that does not work.
  10. Download and install Forge 1.12.2, set the profile in your launcher, and put the mod jar file in the "mods" folder.
  11. You can't use 1.14 mods with 1.12 because of the massive API changes! I bet bookshelf 1.14 is the problem.
  12. Yes, I am coding in 1.14, and I see that they renamed the classes!
  13. You should care, because of API changes in newer versions of Minecraft!
  14. Did you spell cancelled wrong?
  15. What mods do you have? Are you on 1.14?
  16. Alright, I have searched for "Gui" but got the following: - GuiAccessDenied - GuiBackupFailed - GuiButtonExt - GuiCheckBox - GuiConfirmation - GuiContainerEvent - GuiMessageDialog - GuiModList - GuiNotification - GuiOpenEvent - GuiScreenEvent - GuiSlider - GuiSlotModList - GuiUnicodeGlyphButton - GuiUtils That's pretty much it, I didn't find anything relating to GuiContainer! There were also HUGE structural API changes for 1.13, so I had my doubts that the class would remain untouched.
  17. I'm serious. Nobody knows?
  18. No one knows? Weird............
  19. Yes, but the way you wrote your code makes it very complicated to get an image from a model. Please use a more efficient way like in my code. You will not regret it.
  20. Please rewrite your code ground-up. That is a terrible way of registering items in forge!
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