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Posts posted by robustus

  1. What you need to do is create a biome like you normally would in the overworld, and then use the removeBiome from Forge's GameRegistry class so that it does not spawn in the overworld.  This won't remove the biome completely, just remove it from the list of biomes to spawn in the Overworld. Biomes are added to dimensions in the dimensions WorldChunkProvider:


    public static ArrayList<BiomeGenBase> allowedBiomes = new ArrayList<BiomeGenBase>(Arrays.asList(forest, plains, taiga, taigaHills, forestHills, jungle. jungleHills));


    And also some are added in GenLayer like beach, river, mushroom biome, you can see by looking at GenLayerShore i believe on how some of that works.

  2. DimensionManager.registerProviderType(dimension, WorldProviderShrine.class, false);
      DimensionManager.registerDimension(dimension, dimension);


    Have you tried switching this to true instead of false?  You are setting the dimension to not stay loaded so I am not 100% that is the issue but I would give it a try.  Nether and Overworld are set to true.

  3. The first step to do this is using metadata. I created a similar block, like a fence block, you need to check each block next to it set every scenario to a metadata, for example, I set up booleans representing north, south, east, west, up.  Do a check on each spot, if there is a pipe north of the block set boolean to true, if not set it to false.  Do this for all the directions and then you will have to set a metadata for each scenario.  For example if(!south && !north && !east && !west) { set metdata to 0.  that would mean the block has no surrounding pipes, then you would have to do each possible outcome as a metdata.  If only pipe to the east, that would be one metadata, if pipe is to the east and west another seperate metata.  Then in the TileEntityRender you get the blocks metadata and based on the metadata you render the proper model.

  4. like SanAndreasP said, you do not want to name the class the same thing as the class you are extending.




    public class TileEntityA extends TileEntity {
    public int var = 1;




    public class SubTileEntity extends TileEntityA {


    Think of it as a hierarchy, TileEntity -> TileEntityA -> SubTileEntity  you cannot grab a variable that is declared in TileEntityA from the base Tile Entity, but you can grab it from SubTileEntity because it extends TileEntityA.  Hope that makes sense, I'm still learning java myself.

  5. The vanilla grass block does it, I havent understood the code yet, but it is in a giant block of code in renderStandardBlockWithAmbientOcclusion in renderblocks.  search for fancygrass  conditions are met when the grass block is rendered and it rendered the side grass over the dirt block to color it based on the biome.

  6. I'll let you in on a little trick I have been working on.  Essentially it is basically a terrain block that mimics other blocks.  For example you create a stone block that can be generated under the 256 ID.  You can then use conditionals based on the biome to change the texture and drop blocks, so theoretically you could make one stone block that uses a different texture based on conditions like height or biome.  So you could have 100 diff biomes, use the one stone "mimic" block that will change texture based on the biome it spawns in and have the stone drop your higher ID stone block when mined.  As far as I know you are not limited to the amount if conditional statements, and I havent tested out performance for something as crazy as 100 biomes, but so far on the smaller scale im working on I havent run into any problems.

  7. What exactly are you looking to replace? The only thing I can't figure out is how to override the WorldProvider for the Overworld, if anyone can put some input on how to do that, that would be great. 

  8. I've been messing with DimensionManager  registerProviderType and registerDimension to name a new WorldProvider class to use for the OverWorld but have been unsuccessful, have even tried to unregisterDimension the overworld and then rename new provider and register but no dice.  Anyone have any idea how to accomplish this? (I might add I am still using 1.4.7 if this method changed much since then i apologize, just have been too lazy to upgrade yet.)

  9. I've been messing with DimensionManager  registerProviderType and registerDimension to name a new WorldProvider class to use for the OverWorld but have been unsuccessful, have even tried to unregisterDimension the overworld and then rename new provider and register but no dice.  Anyone have any idea how to accomplish this? (I might add I am still using 1.4.7 if this method changed much since then i apologize, just have been too lazy to upgrade yet.)

  10. Hopefully this is an ok place to post this, if not I apologize. I've been working on a mod for a little bit now and have decided to look for a texture artist to team up.  Im not ready to divulge what the mod involves to the public, but lets say its kind of an expansion mod.  Hit me up with a private message if you're interested and Ill give more details.  I'm a laid back easy going guy so the only requirement aside from being a decent texture artist is that you are not a prima donna or hard to deal with. :)  Thanks.

  11. Just guessing here but looks like you place down the Prehistoric stone in the gennerateterrain function, and also looks like you are placing it into the replaceblocksforbiome.  Try replacing the replaceblocksforbiome with the normal default code, then only replacing the default stone with your stone and see if the lag disappears.

  12. The block you put in filler or top block has to be an ID below 256 or else you will crash when generating


    Could you elaborate? What is your source for saying this, as to me this sounds wrong I would like to know why it wouldnt handle block ids above 256?


    As previous poster stated the filler and top blocks are Byte variables not integers, and the highest number block ID is 256 that will work with the terrain gen. 

  13. Ok I had a look a little deeper for you, the creating a child entity is in Entity Animal (procreate).  Basically there is an age timer that is set that counts down which you can see in EntityAgeable.  Once the value goes into the negative it is no longer considered a child.  There's probably a few approaches for you to add another stage, but you could probably set up your own timer with multiple stages. 


    Prob a quick root if you're not looking to do a lot of extra coding you can set the adult entity to be a completely new entity that's child state is your medium state or something like that.

  14. Ive seen this code in my browsing located in forge.event.terraingen/worldtypeevent.class  .. not sure if this is it but looks like it


        public static class BiomeSize extends WorldTypeEvent
            public final byte originalSize;
            public byte newSize;
            public BiomeSize(WorldType worldType, byte original)
                originalSize = original;
                newSize = original;

  15. Ive been messing around with custom model block and just had a question.  Basically the model is like a fence block where it will render differently if certain conditions are met.  Im wondering the best place to put these conditions.  I've gotten it to work but Im just paranoid that I put it in the wrong place, because it seems like I may have put the conditions in a place where each block checks the conditions every second, but I want it only to check when the blocks surrounding it change.


    I placed the conditions in the renderModelAt function within my TileEntityRenderer and it passes those conditions to the model and renders.  Obviously though the conditions will only change the model when an adjacent block is changed so I wouldn't need to do these checks when that happens, but I am having a hunch that the check is happening continuously though I could be wrong.  Hope I explained that properly.  If anyone could give some advice that would be great.

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