Is there a way of tweaking some vanilla class:
I want to, change this code from Level.class (World.class on 1.16.x i think)
public abstract class Level extends net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.CapabilityProvider<Level> implements LevelAccessor, AutoCloseable, net.minecraftforge.common.extensions.IForgeLevel {
public boolean isRainingAt(BlockPos p_46759_) {
if (!this.isRaining()) {
return false;
} else if (!this.canSeeSky(p_46759_)) {
return false;
} else if (this.getHeightmapPos(Heightmap.Types.MOTION_BLOCKING, p_46759_).getY() > p_46759_.getY()) {
return false;
} else {
Biome biome = this.getBiome(p_46759_);
return biome.getPrecipitation() == Biome.Precipitation.RAIN && biome.getTemperature(p_46759_) >= 0.15F;
... }
what i want to do is, make the rain stop or start on specific area (or better change climate).
Biome's climate settings(temperature, humidity) can be changed, but i think only once, on world generation, I think
source: [1.17.1];;;
im nowhere near what im trying to do... but if anyone has an idea how to achieve it, or anything similar, any help is appreciated :3
can the class be replaced with extention???