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Everything posted by starstorms21

  1. And for the general update from 1.15? I have done: Changed the mc version in @Mod Changed 1.15.2 to 1.16.5 latest version in build.gradle Edited the mod.toml file to require the right minecraft version anything im missing?
  2. Ah i see, okay, so 1.16.5 then, how would i start the process of updating? Is there any way to quickly changing the mappings to the official names without having to run through my project to rename everything?
  3. Hello there, i started development of my mod a few months ago and have made considerable progress, making it a quite big project, but as 1.15.2 is starting to be outdated in terms of support, i wanted to update my project to 1.16.2 Where should i start? Are there any helpful guides/wiki pages/documentation i should have a look at before i do anything? I mainly use intellij IDEA to code and I have made a backup of my mod files on github, so im only looking for where to start.. Thanks for any help/advice.
  4. So i want to make a fancier glass block, where it has connected textures to apear clear. I have a all the variants of the texture i could ever need but im not sure how to go about actualy making the blockstate/model/whatever is needed to actually allow the textures to connect. Any help/tutorials/links would be great!
  5. im not quite sure how to modify nbt in 1.15.2 do you maybe have any sources/tutorials i could look at?
  6. I want to make a custom item that holds information, for example: A description An int from 1-100 to show the 'completion' of the item (that could change in game) ect In older versions (1.12.2) i would do this with stack nbt, but right now in 1.15.2 i have trouble finding alternatives. Anything i can do?
  7. if above doesnt work then switch the super and worldIn#setBlockState, as the super removes the block and then the worldIn#setBlockState places the stone down
  8. Try overriding OnBlockHarvested in your block class, then do something along the lines of: @Override public void onBlockHarvested(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, PlayerEntity player) { worldIn.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.STONE.getDefaultState()); super.onBlockHarvested(worldIn, pos, state, player); } replace stone with the block you want
  9. Fixed the error, completely my mistake! I had set the block to render as invisible in the block class, im dumb. Thanks for your help.
  10. My updated code: https://pastebin.com/eBWAryez and https://pastebin.com/3w13ad2u Problem still persists
  11. yah ofc i did, i tried them all but its invisible still
  12. tried: @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = "jsaga",bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD,value = Dist.CLIENT) @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = "jsaga",bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD) but still invisible block...what a head scratcher
  13. i added @Mod.EventBusSubscriber and tested it...still invisible blocks.
  14. i thought that would subscribe the class. How do i register my StartupClientOnly class to the Mod event bus?
  15. i tried to register it with MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(StartupMessageManager.class); in main.....but before i did, my plants were just: how would i go about subscribing to the event?
  16. oh, ppft, yeah fixed, i was trying to change the RenderType to see if it works and forgot to change it back. Sorry
  17. StartupClientOnly: https://pastebin.com/TKgS7Fas full mod class: https://pastebin.com/cEruQDQv the line you pointed out does compile btw, see post2 on my original post for the code
  18. I made some flower blocks for my mod, i referenced vanila classes and created a StartupClientOnly class with help from this post1 and post2 StartupClientOnly: https://pastebin.com/QQqDQcHT Main Class: https://pastebin.com/7NJChcMt But the result is invisible blocks even though i set it to cut out. The block i placed is the ZING_RED in the code. Tell me if you need to see model json files too!
  19. Do you happen to know of a quick fix to this?
  20. i know theres a type missmatch, Render<entity> and renderLiving<entity>....but i dont know how to solve it exactly, first time messing with entity renders
  21. Well, the main source of my problem is that my Entity test render (pastebin bellow) extends RenderLiving<entityTest>....but i cant figure out how to do the quick RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityTest.class, EntityTestRender::new); instead of creating a render factory class for each render! Please save me ? My code: https://pastebin.com/fDr6gfbF https://pastebin.com/AL4NgbNh
  22. So, i want my mod to have some logs and planks and such. Adding each block in is kind of tedious, id like to be able to generate both the log and planks of a type of wood ex. //called in preinit public static registerBlocks(){ makeWoodBlocks("example"); } public void makeWoodBlocks(String name){ makeLog("log_" + name); //adds the block to a list to register in the registry events makePlanks("planks_"+name); //id like to be able to use the block in a recipe (or anywhere) //without using a variable? e.g. log -> 4 planks of the same name? }
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