it is complete but the green line is the damage bar and that is full. and the other one appears with no damage bar because of the way you have spawned it in
Im pretty new to forge and was wondering if someone could show me how to make a backpack with the same space as a chest.
I would really appreciate it if you could either send me to a tutorial or comment in the code what its doing so i can understand.
Thanks in Advance
Ive got a issue with my Cloud Capsule, ive got it to fill up when u go above Y:128 but when its been filling up and you drop it, it gives you back the first metadata item instead of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
Heres my CloudCapsule Code:
And also heres my tickupdate for this item:
thanks in advance
ive made multiple barks(items) and i have done all the code for the and the textures are working and everything.
the only thing is, there is no name for it
i think its got something to do with the getItemNameIS()
Thanks in advance
Hey People,
Can someone teach me MetaData for a item please, I've looked around for tutorials but found ones for blocks but not items thank you
I need it URGENTLY!