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Enraged Rabisu

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Everything posted by Enraged Rabisu

  1. Does anyone have any ideas for this or am I going to have to learn ASM?
  2. I'd like to make a mod that lets one decide which blocks to generate based on a config file. I made this mod back in Minecraft Beta 1.7/1.8 (Link) without the use of Forge or Modloader, but I'm interested in making a version that could be compatible with a wide range of other mods. Currently I'm using my own generator class weighted to be called as late as possible and checking every block, changing any that differ from the config. This has the benefit of working with just about any mod. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work well with leaves (sometimes half a tree seems to keep normal leaves), nor would it work with any generation occurring after the initial generation of a chunk (for example, tree gen from sapling growth). It also seems like it would be much slower going through every block after generation rather than just changing blocks the first time they're generated. Now I'd like to know if there's a better way of doing this. Perhaps a solution utilizing ASM to inject my mod code into vanilla generation code? This wouldn't necessarily work with mod generation, but it should work as well as the old mod did at least, as well as being compatible with other mods. I'm not familiar with ASM, but I can look into it if it's the only way. Are there any relevant Forge events I can use; Something that gives me an array of blocks that I can translate through my configs to create a new array to generate with. This would allow me to even change mod generation if such events were in place, but I can't seem to find anything that would help. I hope I'm just looking in the wrong places. TLDR; I want to remake my WTF mod for 1.7.2 and would be interested to know the most efficient way to do block replacement on world/chunk generation using Forge. Preferably covering mod generation and tree generation, as well as ores and all of the filler blocks (stone, dirt, grass, etc).
  3. That's not really too helpful. What's the value of 'AmethystOreID'?
  4. Could try something like: World world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld; Then do your iterator thing on top of that.
  5. That would be the byte limitation that was discussed earlier. The byte type can only store a number as large as 255 (technically -128 to 127, but Minecraft starts at 0 instead). This means that when you cast your int blockID to a byte, it does funny things. I assume you could alter the code to use ints (or shorts) instead of bytes, but that would not only be hard for you to do if you don't understand the code, it would also make the code less efficient (ints take up 4 times more memory space than bytes, shorts take 2 times more).
  6. If you're looking to learn Java, TheNewBoston has some good videos on his website and on YouTube.
  7. You're trying to load textures on the server-side. That doesn't work as evidenced by the error.
  8. It appears that you might be passing the method incorrect arguments. The method heading for the method listed in the error log shown is this: public static EnumArmorMaterial addArmorMaterial(String name, int durability, int[] reductionAmounts, int enchantability) That means you need (String, int, int array, int) in that order. The variables seem to be named to indicate what they mean.
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