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Same here

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Everything posted by Same here

  1. My friend, thank you very much for your patience and help me a lot. I looked at the source code before, but I made a fatal mistake. I have been paying attention to lambda and have not used addbutton correctly. Thank you very much for your help.
  2. Excuse me, is there a more detailed example? I don't quite understand. I often use listeners in Java, but I don't understand how this button works.
  3. @Override protected void init() { super.init(); Button.IPressable onPress; int offsetX = (this.width - this.xSize) / 2, offsetY = (this.height - this.ySize) / 2; this.buttons.add(new Button(offsetX+153,offsetY+17,20,20,"start",(p_212984_1_) -> { this.minecraft.displayGuiScreen(this.getMinecraft().currentScreen);}) { @Override public void onPress() { //TODO } }); I have made a screen,I want to add a button to do something ,I used anonymous inner classes,but whatever I write in “todo”,when I pressen the button it didn't work.Did I use the wrong method?Please help me .
  4. Is there an example of 1.12.2?Forge rewrittes in 1.13.
  5. Maybe there's something wrong with my statement,I've learned the basics of Java.My mod has written a lot of basic items and blocks.In fact ,I know that the alchemy bag stores item data through the player entity.But I want to konw how to make the custom capability which can stores itemstack.I've learned how to extend the player's attribute data through the NBT tag.But the NBT Tag can only store data types.How can I store the itemstack to the playerentity?
  6. I want to ask how to make a item which like AlchemicaBag in EE2?I can't understande the source code in the github,please help me ,please
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