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Everything posted by 20ChenM

  1. Ive been browsing the web for solutions as when I try to run gradlew genIntellijRuns, it states it cannot find a specific file in a folder called in Bundled_repo I checked the supposed location of this file but could not find the folders it should be contained in, which are bundeled_repo/net. I deleted the chache and ran it again but it did not fix the issue.
  2. Just because I dont know Java doesnt mean I cant make a Mod. Making a mod has taught me alot of things about Java. Yea, I cant make a good mod, but thats not what im aiming for. This was supposed to be a fun little experiment to see what Java modding is like. Im not trying to make a job out of modding so dont be such a purist.
  3. yes, however, I wrote the code PlayerENtity par1 = null; because it would give an error if I just did PlayerEntity par1;
  4. crash-2020-11-15_11.24.20-server.txt
  5. I have tried, im out of ideas I know a little Java, but let me guess, ur gonna say Im not allowed to Mod until have 5 years of experience in Java and know how to do everything
  6. also, adding player.abilities.allowflight = true crashes the game
  7. I can only seem to post in teh gradle section, clicking on modder support doesnt show a button to create a post
  8. 1.15 sorry, Ill post in the modder support forum
  9. I want to allow the player to fly when they drink somthing, however, typing playerEntity.capabilities.alowFlying = true; gives an error saying capabilities part says private acces. Do I need an acces transformer or am I doing somthing wrong?
  10. like a list or should I just trial and error
  11. some of the other things are still not working though, is there a good way to see what has changed and whar hasnt
  12. minecraft 'net.minecraftforge:forge:1.16.3-34.1.0' ] I had somthing different
  13. oh i fixed it, my build.gradle was out of date
  14. it gives me so many options, I dont know which one to pick when i select rename reference
  15. its highlighted red and says, cannot resolve method
  16. it seems to use some functions that have new names replacing them such func_230337_a_. what are the new names for these
  17. im getting errors when typing func_243248_b. What is the rename for it?
  18. what version is this guide in
  19. Can somebody just help me
  20. 1. the picture i posted shows that I cant look at my own posts 2. so because im not a java expert and have a minimal understanding on how to use methods and call methods as well as how arrays and variable types work, I cant do modding.
  21. see how i cant look at my own posts
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