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Everything posted by Skullblade

  1. Ok, I made a package in my java directory for it and put in the model. I also moved the model texture to a package in resources.
  2. Is there a specific file I should put the class in?
  3. I'm designing an armor set that has a custom 3d model different from the 3d model of traditional armors such as Iron, Diamond, and Netherite. How would I do that? (I know I need to make a model with blockbench, but then what?)
  4. I needed to put an 's' at the end of block. Thanks for the help! I only wish I had saw it earlier so as to not waste your time.
  5. One, I don't know how to make Git repos... Also, I looked into that link and @ObjectHolder. The game runs exactly the same as before. Doesn't fix my problem.
  6. The console isn't giving me any errors. The game opens fine, it just doesn't render the right texture. It renders that strange black and purple checkered pattern that appears when a texture is broken in Minecraft. Also, where would I even put @ObjectHolder?
  7. Earlier, you may have seen my post about an error whilst creating a block. Now, after loading into the game, I am met by a purple and black cube, rather than the texture I had made by it. I'm not sure what part of the texture is broken, so I'll provide my code and the texture and hope someone can figure out where I made my error. If you need more code, let me know.
  8. Cannot resolve method 'setRegistryName' in 'Properties'
  9. As I said, removing .lightLevel() gives setRegistryName an error.
  10. I'm creating a block following HarryTalks' tutorial. I don't want it to glow like glowstone or sea lanterns, so I set .lightLevel() to 0. I get an error that .lightLevel can't take integers. I try removing it entirely and setRegistryName gets an error. @SubscribeEvent public static void registerBlocks(final RegistryEvent.Register<Block> event) { event.getRegistry().registerAll ( BlockList.argentum_block = new Block(Block.Properties.of(Material.METAL).strength(2.0f, 3.0f).lightLevel(0).sound(SoundType.METAL).setRegistryName(location("argentum_block"))) ); }
  11. I didn't expect to run into a viewer here, lol. I'll have a video on the mod when I finish it.
  12. Thanks for the help, HarryTalks has the majority of what I need.
  13. I asked this question before, but I got confusing answers that didn't solve everything. The mod I'm making is heavily mob-based, so if I can't create entities, then the whole thing has to be scrapped. I want to know the entire process of making an entity. I want to know how to connect a 3d model to code, how to register an entity, everything.
  14. I found it in "Gradle: net.minecraftforge:forge1.16.5-36.1.0_mapped_official_1.16.5/forge-1.16.5_36.1.0_mapped_official_1.16.5-recomp.jar/net/minecraft/entity/monster" Thank you.
  15. I think I found the dependencies, known as "External Libraries." There's a ton of folders though, and I don't know where to look. I can find block and item data just fine, but the entity data seems separate.
  16. Would these classes be found somewhere in the .minecraft folder?
  17. So I can copy and paste the Zombie code into my class, or do I have to translate it? If so... well, I don't know how to do something like that.
  18. That sounds like replacing an old vanilla entity with a new one. I want to make a brand new one, but I don't know how to do that. Could you direct me to a tutorial or something?
  19. I'm new to modding, okay? There's no tutorials online that I can find, so I'm guessing here.
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