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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. Does this help? The black part is part of the file name, as armor has two layers and you need to supply both.
  2. Do you not know how to use bit fields? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_field Edit: Sorry, that quoted section is from an old version, but the idea of bit fields is still accurate, just which field does what with which half of the door has changed. The newer sections are longer and less succinct.
  3. Clear indicator that the user is not making a simple mistakes and has no idea WTF they're doing. This is three incredibly grievous errors caused by a lack of understanding of programming at a core level, not merely a typo or an accidental mistake. The fact that they have managed to release functional mods is irrelevant, as there's a lot of crap you can get away with when you're just adding new blocks and items because the workhorse is actually all of the stuff that Vanilla and Forge do for you. This is not "oops, I accidentally assigned null rather than comparing" this is "I don't know how to use objects." Eclipse won't let that compile. For two reasons. 1) null cannot be cast to int: Even adding an explicit cast will crash the program at runtime (I tried once, just to see). 2) objects (even simple types) cannot be cast to booleans implicitly: And Eclipse should have warned him about his uninitialized variable: Sure. We all make mistakes. We programers are fueled by insanity, Mountain Dew, and severe sleep deprivation. But there's no excuse for incompetence of this level and having to walk through each and every person how to solve simple errors is not worth my time. I thank people like diesieben07 and shieldbug1 for putting up with my stupidity regarding rather complex data manipulation, storage techniques, and ASM. But at least it's simple errors with incredibly complex devices ("oh that's why it wasn't working, because I had to reinstall stuff, I forgot the launch parameter to tell Forge to look for my coremod class"). But you know, if you are unhappy with the way people who don't know WTF they're doing around here are treated...there's a report button right here ↓
  4. A friend of mine runs a server with over 240 mods. It lags like a mofo, but not from the sheer number of recipes, but rather from the sheer, ungodly weight, of how many different blocks and items there are and all the TileEntities spawned in the world (because why run one tech mod when you can run FIFTEEN including ComputerCraft with all of the addons).
  5. That's because "save" and "load" events have nothing to do with where the player is or what they're doing. That's ChunkEvent.Load and ChunkEvent.Unload , but those events don't give you access to the chunk NBT data.
  6. Uh huh. Because every decorator gets its own Decorate event. There should only be 1 pre and 1 post, though.
  7. I would not spawn a light-emitting block for a mere 2 ticks. It will look awful.
  8. @SubscribeEvent public void chunkLoad(ChunkDataEvent.Load event) { NBTTagCompound nbt = event.getData(); }
  9. config.get("CATEGORY", "NAME", defaultValue).getXXX() ? Where XXX is a type config.get("CATEGORY", "NAME", defaultValue).setXXX(newValue) ? Where XXX is a type config.get("CATEGORY", "NAME", defaultValue).getXXX() ? Where XXX is an array type (StringArray, IntArray...)
  10. No, those work different, because they are vanilla. Right, because Vanilla. God damn inventories always being treated different depending on what they are. (seriously, player, zombies, endermen, horses ALL have different inventory systems, wth)
  11. Attacker yaw: 359 Defender yaw: 0 --> code runs, attacker and defender are only 1 degree off, I wonder why.
  12. It's a program option flag you can set when launching Eclipse (either via command line or via a shortcut).
  13. Look at EntityHorse or whatever vanilla calls it. Also the storage minecart.
  14. Check the entity's rotation values and compare to the player's. Particularly rotationYaw.
  15. Yes, it's called DynamicTexture, which is still rendered as a quad with the tessellator. Protip: It is easier to draw a circle with MSPaint and save it as a texture file than to programatically generate the pixel data one pixel at a time.
  16. http://help.eclipse.org/indigo/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.platform.doc.isv%2Freference%2Fmisc%2Fruntime-options.html
  17. Lets see. World generators alter blocks. If blocks are altered client-side, the server overwrites those changes. So yes. Yes they are.
  18. On chunk load: read from chunk NBT if the chunk has never been loaded: find nearest player within (16 * chunkload radius) save this to the chunk NBT
  19. In fact, dimensions are only server side. The client only knows about one world at a time (the overworld is a world the end is a world the nether is a world, every dimension has its own World object and the client only knows about one). Clever workarounds not included.
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