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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. Nope, you have to use a line for every biome.
  2. I think that would only work for a short while and I'd have to constantly update it (and only if the player was nearby). Custom mob will work better for a variety of reasons. Thanks all!
  3. Actually...it has to do with world raycast operations. Most blocks return true (and the ray is inside the block's collission bounding box), except Fire, though water can return false or true via canCollideCheck (by default it calls isCollidable). True is returned iff a player is holding a boat or lily pad.
  4. Yeah, that's about what I'd figured out. (And also how to alter the min/max spawn times on the spawner itself, hehe, so that the golems don't spawn as frequently)
  5. public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4) { return null; }
  6. Spawning Iron Golems: check The question: making spawned iron golems hostile to the player. Is it possible to make already-hostile iron golems without creating a custom mob? I consider this a nice-to-have, but I'm not even sure where to start with this.
  7. Yes. Look at world.rayTraceBlocks_do_do(...)
  8. Came as a result of someone needing blockIDs > 255 in their worldgen, so they posted on BinaryMage for some help and that was supplied, figured it was relevant here.
  9. Because of the way my items are built, I'm already using the EntityItemUpdate function (as there are effects which use it) so tying into that isn't difficult and keeps everything inside my Item class.
  10. Also some helpful insight from XCompWiz:
  11. No. Because you're doing it through Forge ModLoader. EntityRegistry.addSpawn(EntityBlinkDog.class, 8, 2, 4, EnumCreatureType.monster, BiomeGenBase.plains); And for spawn eggs: EntityList.addMapping(EntityBlinkDog.class, "Blink Dog", 4, 14342901, 8026845); You'll have to look up what each of the ints do, the only ones I remember are the second two in the spawn egg (the big ones): they refer to the base and spot color on the egg icon.
  12. It gets tossed into the world as an EntityItem, and because THAT receives updates, it's easy to go "oh, hey, I've been dropped. Hey NBT, what was the player's entity ID?"
  13. Try this.wait()
  14. To help get into structures, take a look at this: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1336152-132-updated-metadata-support-simple-schematic-to-java-file-converter/ While the code outputted is for 1.3.2, there's only a handful of names that need to be changed to make it work. I've also been pointed at MCreator, as it will output Java files that you can edit as well.
  15. I am already aware of how to use ChestGenHooks, ty. As for your question: that you have your own thread for and no, I do not.
  16. Its based on the block metadata. You're not going to find a class level variable for it.
  17. My goal was to allow other mods to build dungeons that would get my loot without adding it to the vanilla dungeon loot list. Apparently the person who sent me that link doesn't understand what dungeon loot is properly.
  18. Look at BlockLog for how vanilla handles it.
  19. I got pointed at this tutorial and it's clearly both inaccurate (uses both MinecraftForge.addDungeonLoot and DungeonHooks.addDungeonLoot in its examples) and out of date (this method exists in neither). Where has it gone? ChestGenHooks has this comment: //Currently implemented categories for chests/dispensers, Dungeon loot is still in DungeonHooks Which is also...wrong, as DungeonHooks only has add/remove mob.
  20. Moritz and I found a solution that works well enough: onUpdate, if the player has an inventory open, remove effect. So the effect is suppressed while they're looking in a chest.
  21. I'm not sure that's all that viable either, as these effects are unique (each has a separate UUID for the SharedMonsterAttribute system, so that they stack), so I need to remove exactly the one that was placed into the chest. I'd have to add several flags to every player. :\ If they have any, then I need to loop through their entire inventory and verify each one.
  22. I want to know when it's NOT in the player's inventory. And scanning every inventory of every player on a server ever tick is not a viable solution. I only need the function called once (the frame that it leaves the player's inventory) but I need something.
  23. You can do it client side only, Dynamic Lights does, but I don't know how to go about doing that.
  24. I get around it by not updating the light block every tick, but rather every 3.5 blocks between where the light SHOULD be and where it IS.
  25. AxisAlignedBB.getAABBPool().getAABB(double, double, double, double, double, double)
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