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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. The extra param is the one after par4, its the block ID of the block making the update call (you can set it to this.blockID). You still need an updateTick(...) function to deal with it.
  2. Then you haven't properly zipped up your mod.
  3. Has FullMoonPlant been defined yet? Why aren't you using a static reference, like you do with FULLMOONSEED?
  4. Don't use random ticks onBlockAdded(...) { world.scheduleBlockUpdate(x,y,z,how_many_ticks); }
  5. Black line: public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4) { return null; } Block (re)placement: public boolean isBlockReplaceable(World world, int x, int y, int z) { return true; } On update (you could have found this one yourself by searching Block.java): public void updateTick(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, Random par5Random) {}
  6. Could be. I can't see your code from here.
  7. Slot 1200 is already occupied by invizzble.mods.nc.plants.PlantFullMoon@26f73ca4 when adding invizzble.mods.nc.plants.PlantFullMoon@31ae46f8 It would appear that you are attempting to register the same block twice.
  8. class myclass { int myInt = 5; function myclass() { int myInt = 16; System.out.println(myInt); } } What is printed?
  9. Computer craft turtles are entities only when moving. When still they are a block + tile entity, which can emit signals.
  10. As big or as small as you want. As by default all items and blocks use 16x16 textures your icon files would be... *Drum roll* 16x16!
  11. No tutorials. Really. And not one single thread on the forums, neither.
  12. That's called Natural Language Programming. Wolfram Alpha is a good example.
  13. Insert a repeat of my last question, only using aluminumBlock not zincIngot
  14. What line has this: zincIngot = new ZincIngot(...) ? Is it in the same function?
  15. That's the 1.4.7 method of textures, where all your items belong in a sprite sheet. 1.5+ uses single 16x16 icons and the texture system (vanilla code) builds a custom spritesheet.
  16. My point is: You need to learn the basics before you can mod minecraft. By not understanding that you needed to replace one set of loops with another set of loops and how to convert the pseudocode I posted into actual code, you have demonstrated that you have no idea what your doing.
  17. Seen it. Also Brain Fuck, Whitespace, Piet, Velato, Omgrofl, Malbolge, and Befunge. Dammit, stop being cooler than me. Although I do have to thank you for showing me those. TBH I'd only heard about Malbolge before, but not in detail, and Befunge I found when trying to find Piet (by which I mean I'd forgotten the name).
  18. Nope, checked that. It's not null.
  19. Honestly. I'd just return different icons.
  20. Seen it. Also Brain Fuck, Whitespace, Piet, Velato, Omgrofl, Malbolge, and Befunge.
  21. It is most definitely not. Write a custom renderer and put a System.out.println("I am rendering") in it. It gets called once when the block is placed and once again every time it updates. The results the doRender() function are essentially saved and reused to cut down on overhead (imagine if every block in your view needed to be recalculated every tick!).
  22. "Can" also means that you need a computer powerful enough. Besides, unless computing large numbers is a hobby (I wouldn't put it past you) or some part of your job, I'd think you'd be better off writing your own functions. That's probably what such a feature would look like in any language anyway, even as a builtin. Point. I just think it would be amusing.
  23. Look at the furnace.
  24. *Pokerface*
  25. It runs once per block activation, as opposed to constantly. It SHOULD print this: Rendering frame 10 Rendering frame 9 Rendering frame 8 Rendering frame 7 Rendering frame 6 Rendering frame 5 Rendering frame 4 Rendering frame 3 Rendering frame 2 Rendering frame 1 Rendering frame 0
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