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  1. I'm trying to convert some reflection-based code to use access transformers in order to take advantage of ForgeGradle's reobfuscation. I created an access transformer in the src/main/resources folder of my existing workspace. I had the following entries at the top of the access transformer: public net.minecraft.world.WorldServer * public net.minecraft.world.WorldServer *() ForgeGradle then errored while recompiling, with the message "attempting to assign weaker access privileges; was public" referring to an inherited method in WorldServer's subclass WorldServerMulti. I then added the following to the top of my AT: public net.minecraft.world.WorldServerMulti * public net.minecraft.world.WorldServerMulti *() Unfortunately, ForgeGradle continued to produce the same error. In my actual decompiled workspace, Eclipse continues to link against the old (no access transformer applied) jar, but I suspect that this is because it could not compile a transformed jar to replace it with. I'm using Forge 1180 (1.7.10-Recommended), Java 7, Ubuntu 14.04, if it matters.
  2. I'm pretty sure that if you directly access the IC2 API it becomes a required dependency. Use reflection instead.
  3. world.scheduleBlockUpdate(x, y, z, this.blockID, timeUntilTick);
  4. Recently I've been annoyed by portals in the overworld creating portals in the nether that could not under any circumstances lead back to them. I fixed it with a base-class edit, but that doesn't have the clean distribution coremods allow, so based on some examples, I made it into a coremod. I change a variable definition from a constant to a call to my mod's function. The function is properly called, but the constant from vanilla is still used (I checked by adding a print statement to the class, and it doesn't match what my function returns.) Source code: https://github.com/planetguy32/Gizmos/blob/master/planetguy/portalmod/NoCrosslinkASMTransformer.java
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