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Everything posted by HMPerson1

  1. Modded item ids must start above 4096, otherwise they'll coincide with ItemBlock ids. When you use configuration.getItem(), if the default below 4096, it'll auto-assign it somewhere in the 31000's.
  2. FMLInitializationEvent is in the package cpw.mods.fml.common.event
  3. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Commmon.CommonProxy Probably a typo in @SidedProxy(...)
  4. Logs or it didn't happen.
  5. Does it happen on a restart?
  6. Okay, first of all, the Secret Rooms Mod hasn't even been installed. Secondly, all three logs indicate crashes. The first two look like you didn't install something correctly. The third one, however, is a simple block id conflict: 2012-10-27 13:41:00 [sTDERR] Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 210 is already occupied by morePistons.BlockDoublePistonBase@23bca486 when adding dan200.turtle.shared.BlockTurtleExpanded@35d56bbe Change either the ComputerCraft configs or the More Pistons Mod configs. Look for the block id 210 and change it to something else.
  7. Initialize all of your blocks and items before you add recipes. If it helps, this is line 45: GameRegistry.addSmelting(AMCore.alumore.blockID, new ItemStack(AMCore.alumingot), 0.1f);
  8. Hmm...interesting. Try deleting .minecraft/libs and see if it works.
  9. You have the car mod installed twice.
  10. Make sure your internet is working and try again.
  11. Here's the error you're probably looking for: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: XetosMods.common.ClientProxy You probably accidentally typed: clientSide="XetosMods.common.ClientProxy" instead of: clientSide="XetosMods.client.ClientProxy" inside of @SidedProxy(...)
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