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Everything posted by HMPerson1

  1. Am I still allowed to help? Or should I ignore those who refuse to follow the rules (and who ignore the stickies)?
  2. Could you link me to where you found this mod?
  3. Do you happen to have beacons near your spawn point?
  4. Looks like you forgot to install something. Double check that you've installed everything required for Clay Soldiers.
  5. Try Forge #378
  6. The new features in 374 have yet to be used by any mods (I think), so bugs in the new code won't manifest themselves. Also, the "official release" version of Forge has bugs on its own. Forge 372 (and earlier) has a bug that was fixed in 375, and another that was fixed in 379, and another fixed in 380. As for which version Optifine requires, that's a question for sp614x. I, personally, haven't had any problems installing Optfine on versions of Forge that it wasn't specifically intended for, but maybe I've just gotten lucky.
  7. Why do you have to register them? Just spawn them directly.
  8. Uhh... no. He is using 1.4.4, so Forge is he correct version. Oh. Oops.
  9. Go here; look under Dependency Archive.
  10. Also, you're running an outdated version of Forge. Update to Forge #355.
  11. Post ForgeModLoader-client-0.log
  12. 2012-11-10 11:45:15 [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file minecraftforge-universal- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible. 2012-11-10 11:45:15 [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file OptiFine_1.4.2_HD_U_B5 (1).zip in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible. Delete these and see if it helps anything.
  13. 2012-11-10 12:42:13 [sEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] A download error occured Read the EAQ.
  14. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.Launcher Read the EAQ.
  15. *HINT, HINT* at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.mod.MobRandomizer$ExtraInfo.getInfo(MobRandomizer.java:109)
  16. Try installing Forge yourself instead of trusting your "tech savvy friend" to do it for you. Make sure that every single file gets copied, including the random text files, along with the .class files.
  17. 2012-11-08 16:52:29 [sTDOUT] MinecraftForge v6.0.1.345 Initialized If you did update, post the new log. It actually is the right version... check the Railcraft Wiki.
  18. Read the EAQ.
  19. Update Forge to build #355
  20. There actually was a bug in Forge #337. Forge #338 fixes it.
  21. Try just "sh install.sh" (without the ./)
  22. Did you download the ModLoader version of MineLittlePony?
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