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Everything posted by warjort

  1. You don't directly register into registries with forge. You are trying to do it in the mod's constructor. You should use the same DeferredRegistry pattern you used for the serializers to register the recipe types.
  2. The error is with the obfuscate mod. I don't see a 1.18 version of that mod on curseforge? Which version do you have installed? https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/obfuscate/files
  3. You are missing a dependency - the vr_library mod.
  4. I believe this is caused by your maxFps being set to zero in the options.txt in your minecraft folder? Change the value in minecraft's video settings. Or if that doesn't work, change it in the file and restart minecraft.
  5. You need to get people's informed permission to collect data about them. And having an open rest endpoint that anybody can query isn't good either (even if the data might seem trivial).
  6. You don't need to update a minimap every 0.05 seconds. I'm pretty sure you are writing an x-ray.🙂 Anyway have a look at BlockPos.findClosestMatch() or one of the other static methods like betweenClosed(). Their main optimisation I guess is using MutableBlockPos instead of creating 120,000 new BlockPos() like you are.
  7. getBurnTime() returns an int. 100/200 = 0 for an int cast it to a float first ((float) 100)/200 = 0.5 But you will probably want to use String.format() on the result to choose the significant digits?
  8. This issue was fixed in forge 40.1.54, you have 40.1.53 https://maven.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.18.2-40.1.60/forge-1.18.2-40.1.60-changelog.txt
  9. By the way, the method you are using to change the biomes won't work in 1.19 The biomes are now stored in a PalettedContainerRO (RO = read only)
  10. For the same reason, you can't use net.minecraft.world.level.biome.Biomes.SNOWY_TAIGA You have to look it up in the registry. Sorry, its a ResourceKey not the actual biome. 🙂
  11. You won't be able to use the builtin registries for biomes at runtime. They are just templates. The ones actually used are found using MinecraftServer.registryAccess().registryOrThrow() These are copies of the builtin ones augmented with the stuff from datapacks.
  12. https://johann.loefflmann.net/en/software/jarfix/index.html
  13. Can you confirm the packet is received by the client. If it is, I would guess there is something about the way you are updating the data that means the code that creates the packet cannot see your change? You should try deserialising the packet after you create it to see if the data it contains is correct.
  14. Are you sure the player is correct? You should really be sending to all players that have that chunk loaded. Maybe get the list using something like (I am not sure this is correct)? List<ServerPlayer> list = serverLevel.getChunkSource().chunkMap.getPlayers(chunkPos, false); You should also be able to see if your chunk packet is actually received on the client if you listen for forge's ChunkEvent.Load
  15. I still don't see a lootTables.put() in the above code?
  16. For the torch rendering, not really my area of expertise. But you are using RenderType.translucent() while vanilla uses RenderType.cutout() https://github.com/Mattah12/Kanohi_Craft2022/blob/62dac5df0ba4f7e5e381ef78e01050721ed2dcd8/src/main/java/com/Mattah12/kanohicraft/setup/ClientSetup.java#L21
  17. For the loot pool stuff, you create your builders here, but don't do anything with the return value? https://github.com/Mattah12/Kanohi_Craft2022/blob/62dac5df0ba4f7e5e381ef78e01050721ed2dcd8/src/main/java/com/Mattah12/kanohicraft/datagen/KanLootTables.java#L26
  18. To answer your question directly: Level level = player.level; BlockPos pos = player.blockPosition(); boolean isAir = level.getBlockState(pos).isAir(); But I think you need to familiarise yourself with the main minecraft classes. The above is basic stuff, but it might not be what you really want. e.g. maybe you want one of the level.isUnobstructed() to check for blocks the player can walk through
  19. You need to use forge-40.1.57 if you want to run optifine. Until it updates. https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/issues/6974
  20. Uninstall Optifine, you don't need it on the server.
  21. Your actual error is Which is the radium mod. If you only get the problem when mekanism is loaded then they must be conflicting with each other in some way. Check you have the latest versions of these mods, then contact their mod authors.
  22. I reported this issue so it doesn't get lost: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/8853
  23. There is no compatible optifine version. forge 40.1.58 (released yesterday) changed a method signature that optifine uses. So its either use forge 40.1.57 or remove optifine until it updates. https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/issues/6974
  24. Click on your "mod pack" (the image not the play button) In its main screen there are three vertical dots next to the play button, click that and select "Profile Options". Change the forge version in the advanced settings.
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