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Everything posted by warjort

  1. You have mods that want a later version of forge, try the latest (43.2.11 at time of writing).
  2. You can't hurt players or cause explosions on the client: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Sides Or you can, but anything it does will be "optical illusion" because the server doesn't know anything about it. It won't affect the real state, get saved or be seen by other players. You need to send a network packet to the server and let it do the work. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/SimpleChannel If you just used the normal Item.use() - i.e. right click - you wouldn't have to worry about "re-inventing the wheel".
  3. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/123806-i-need-help-i-cant-load-up-minecraft-due-to-some-sort-of-hat-problem/?do=findComment&comment=537778 FYI. You are doing this wrong. It takes a team of experienced modpack developers weeks or months to stabilise a "kitchen sink" modpack with 200 mods. They do it by building their modpack incremently so they know which mod(s) cause problems. i.e. add mods one at a time or in small groups and test it. Also ,just dumping 200 mods in your mods folder and then expecting us to debug/fix it for you, is not how this forum works. Let's say In 20 questions time when the modpack has stopped crashing, we or you will have little clue which of the those 200 mods is causing a problem that doesn't make the game crash.
  4. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/123710-minecraft-1194-forge-crash/
  5. ResourceLocation blockId = ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS.getKey(block); Is the forge way to do it.
  6. From that link I gave you. This is a support forum. That means we help people that have tried to implement something and it doesn't work for reasons they don't understand. It is not a learn modding forum or somewhere where you can get others to write or design your mod for you. Or use us as a search engine instead of doing your own research.
  7. Look at LivingEntity.collectEquipmentChanges(). That code adds/removes temporary/transient modifiers based on what equipment the entity is wearing or using. That too runs in LivingEntity.tick() but only on the server - see that code. It can also be done by adding/removing a MobEffect, like potions do.
  8. How would that work in multiplayer? If you want to do "funky" custom rendering, you need a BlockEntity with its own renderer. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Block_Entity_Renderer
  9. Forge won't load things unless they are mods or part of a mod. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Dependencies https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Jar-in-Jar
  10. You can't have both jei and rei
  11. https://docs.minecraftforge.net/en/latest/concepts/registries/ or https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Registration#DeferredRegister You can't register objects directly with the registries, except during the RegisterEvent when the registries are unfrozen. You are trying to do it during classloading/static initialisation which occurs at an "unknown time", almost certainly when the registries are frozen. A RegistryObject (which is the recommended mechanism) will do the registration for you at the correct time. In future if you want help, put a minimal project on github that reproduces your problem so we can see everything you are doing. Posting badly formatted and incomplete code in the forums will likely just mean your question gets ignored. Unless it is obvious what the problem is from what little information you post.
  12. Read user_jvm_args.txt
  13. If you look at ParticleRenderType that render type uses the block atlas, i.e. the item and block textures. Maybe you want the PARTICLE_SHEET_OPAQUE which uses the particle atlas/textures?
  14. Do you really need your own model loader? https://docs.minecraftforge.net/en/latest/rendering/modelloaders/bakedmodel/ A simple item property (e.g. based on an NBT tag) will let you switch item models. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Item_Properties https://github.com/misode/mcmeta/blob/2c94d7594ae544fab692f73c74b81ef06649ed8a/assets/minecraft/models/item/diamond_leggings.json#L6 https://github.com/misode/mcmeta/blob/assets/assets/minecraft/models/item/diamond_leggings_quartz_trim.json
  15. That's true of their 1.18.2 stable release, but that is very old. The preview releases were made for more modern versions of Forge. Their download page says which version of Forge they tested each release against. But this is the Forge support forum, not the Optifine support forum. Issues with optifine should be reported to them.
  16. Because you have the wrong version of optifine. You want their their latest preview release, see their download page.
  17. Broken config file. You can find it in the serverconfig subfolder of the save. If you don't have a backup, delete the file and it will be recreated with default values.
  18. Contact the mod author. The problem is likely with one of the mods using that library, but the error does not identify the actual mod. These are the mods curseforge says uses that library: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/supermartijn642s-core-lib/relations/dependents?filter-related-dependents=3
  19. Post a link to your logs/debug.log
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