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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. You need to override the onItemRightClick(params) in your Item class.
  2. Try running gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse again to see if it helps.
  3. But the vanilla furnace has 2 different blocks for those, so they wouldn't be shared.
  4. You could've easily figured that out yourself... You need to learn how to read crash reports...
  5. At the beginning of your class, all of these declarations are shared between all blocks in the world. That means that all blocks of that type in the world, will emit the same light, are all active at the same time and they will all spawn particles in the world at the same time. You probably need to store those in the TileEntity.
  6. You need to use packets. I would send a packet to the server with the dimensionId, on the server, use WorldServer.getServer().worldServers[dimensionId].provider.getDimensionName() to get the name, and then send a new packet back as a reply containing the name.
  7. There's the issue... In the EpiCraftWorldGen class line number 43, you have a call to random.nextInt(int), in which the int < 0.
  8. I don't know the issue, but in the onItemRightClick() method, you are checking if you are on the server side, and if so, you acces the client player. You need to use the EntityPlayer parameter.
  9. Well, you can just do something like this: public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister reg) { this.icon0=reg.registerIcon("modid:icon0"); this.icon1=reg.registerIcon("modid:icon1"); this.icon2=reg.registerIcon("modid:icon2"); //etc... } And then, where you return the icons, you need to return diffferent icons based on the metadata.
  10. Your best bet is to register all the textures at once, and then just switch between those. That way, you don't need to re-run the registerBlockIcons method.
  11. The EntityMob class overrides the findPlayerToAttack() method to find the closest player in range. The 16.0D in that method is max range it will look for entities. You need to copy that method and change the 16.0D to change the range.
  12. Items don't have ResourceLocations. They have a IIcon object which holds the UV-coordinates of the texture on a giant image of which the ResourceLocation is located at TextureMap.locationItemsTexture . If you want to use this in a GUI, you have to get the IIcon of the Item first, bind the TextureMap.locationItemsTexture , and then call the drawTexturedModelRectFromIcon(x,y,IIcon,width,height) to draw the IIcon of the item.
  13. Items are the ones in your inventory. Blocks are the ones in the world. So there is never actually a Block in your inventory, but the Item version of it. You need to use if(theItem instanceof ItemBlock)
  14. Do you have an event handler for the EnderTeleportEvent? If so, would you mind posting it, as the issue might be related to that?
  15. I don't know what the issue is, but if you copy vanilla classes, you MUST remove the __OBFID lines, as that will screw up the building of the mod and make it not work.
  16. Here's a tutorial by coolAlias: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/mapping-and-modding-tutorials/1571434-tutorial-modding-with-apis
  17. For booleans, you don't need to check if ther are true, because you can just put the boolean in the if, and if the boolean is true, it will execute.
  18. 1) call block.dropBlockAsItemWithChance(params) . That will make it drop all its drops. 2) call block.breakBlock(params) . That will remove the TileEntity at that location (for eg. furnaces). 3) set the block to air. That should do it.
  19. Don't store the names, but the UUIDs, because there's gonna be name-change support and that will mess up your names.
  20. Yes, that is the tutorial i mean. I also have made a Java implementation of the tutorial if you want to write it in Java instead of Scala.
  21. In the Tutorials section there's a (unfinished) tutorial about making cables work with FMP. Note: It is not about making it compatible, it is about rewriting everything to make it compatible.
  22. You need to make it work with like Buildcraft tanks, which need to get the fluid in the bucket using the FluidContainerRegistry. If you don't have this, it won't allow you to put it in Buildcraft tanks because it doesn't know which fluid is in it. You should probably add it.
  23. Yes, that second parameter is the metadata of the block.
  24. What do you mean with "doesn't move up"? Can you post some screenshots?
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