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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. ItemStacks themself don't have a reference to the inventory they are in, so you have to find another way. Where do you get the ItemStack from?
  2. 1) If it's your own block, you don't have to use events. 2) As jeffryfisher said you can override the [t]getItemDropped[/code] method to drop a single item. If you want to drop multiple items, items with metadata or different items, override the getDrops]/tt] method, in which you return an ArrayList containing the ItemStacks to be dropped.
  3. You only register the GuiHandler on the server side. You register it in the CommonProxy, in the registerRenders method. In the ClientProxy, you override that method, so it never registers the GuiHandler on the client. You have to either call the super method in the ClientProxy, or call it in a place that is not sided, like the @Mod class.
  4. 1) I can't see a difference between the 2 images you posted. 2) If you get another problem, please post the updated code. 3) drawTexturedModalRect can only take textures with the maximum dimension being 256x256. Since your texture is bigger, it scales it down to make it fit. To solve this, you'd have to adapt the logic from that method to make your own method, which can take bigger textures.
  5. You must have a pretty big range in mind... Why do you need this? Are you sure there aren't any alternatives?
  6. You can deobfuscate the Thaumcraft source using BON2 and view it's source using a Java decompiler like JD-Gui.
  7. Serously? Bumping twice in 3 hours? Have some patience please. To your problem: public int usingItem = 72000; . You can't store it in the Item class like that, you have to store it in the the ItemStack's NBT.
  8. You know what makes OUR heads hurt? People who don't know Java and think they can still mod Minecraft! Most people come to this board to get support with modding. In the description it specifically says: "This is the support section for those modding with Forge. Help with modding goes in here, however, please keep in mind that this is not a Java school. You are expected to have basic knowledge of Java before posting here." If people don't have Java knowledge, how are we supposed to help them? Also, if we ask for a class, please provide it. You may think it has nothing to with your problem, but it most certainly it is if we ask for that class specifically. So don't think you know it better than us, as you are the one asking for support. We don't say stuff like: "You messed it up there and there, you should type this and this", because if we do, you don't learn anything from it. Don't say you do, because we know you are just going to copy-paste it in 'your' code, withou knowing what it does.
  9. If you go to files.minecraftforge.net, you see the Latest Build and the Recommended Build. MDK is the pacakge you want. How can you not find that?
  10. I see your Forge version is also pretty old (1st of August). Try updating to the recommended version (1.8-, to the latest for 1.8.0 (1.8- You can also try to update to Minecraft 1.8.8, but there's no recommended build for that yet.
  11. Yes, it would, though it is a bit redundant if the 3 cases and the default all do the same thing. Unless you are going to change the Nether and the End case to something else, you might aswell remove the switch statement.
  12. No. You know how a switch statement works? You can add a default which is the default thing to do if the other cases don't hit. So instead of case #: , you do default: . That way, as Draco18s said three times before, it will generate in every dimension with a Savanna biome, instead of only the Overworld.
  13. Why are you creating new instances of BiomeGenBase ? Use the static instance in BiomeGenBase.class .
  14. Since there's an issue with your WorldSavedData, how about you post the code for it? The stacktrace traces back to these lines of code: try { worldsaveddata = (WorldSavedData)p_75742_1_.getConstructor(new Class[] {String.class}).newInstance(new Object[] {p_75742_2_}); } As you can see, it tries to get the constructor with a String as an argument. Do you have that constructor?
  15. Try disabling the splash screen by changing enabled=true to enabled=false in config/splash.properties .
  16. I believe getBiomeGenForCoords takes block coordinates, not chunk coords.
  17. Blocks are singletons. Any variable in them will be shared with all blocks, just like a static variable. So you can not save activated state in the Block directly. However, you can use a TileEntity to save the state, or better, block metadata.
  18. Is your modid the same in the mcmod.info and in your @Mod file?
  19. It might help if you actually posted the mcmod.info...
  20. Is it actually the Nether, or does it only look like it? You seem to be using the WorldChunkManagerHell, so maybe that causes the issue. Also, if you copy vanilla code, rename the variables and methods, it will make it much easier to read and spot the problem. Note: I have never worked with new dimensions before, so don't quote me on that.
  21. Try to re-running gradlew sDecW eclipse .
  22. Then how do you make your mod? Notepad?
  23. You don't want 655536, but 16*16*128=65536, see the extra 5? Also, he told you to populate the blocks array before making a new chunk, else you would create an empty Chunk and than populate an array which will never be used again in that method.
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