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Tree Puncher

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  1. How to send message to a Bukkit server? My BukkitPacket class How i send it byte[] bytesTask = "mot hai ba bon// nam// sau// bay".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); PluginMessages.sendMessage(new BukkitPacket(new FriendlyByteBuf(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(bytesTask)))); Did i do it right? how to decode it in bukkit server? I dont know how Forge encode my string into what kind of byte[] to send it to server
  2. Very cool, how about forge client send custom packet to (Paper/Spigot/Bukkit) server?
  3. I got a Renderer class ```public class ExampleRenderer extends LivingEntityRenderer<ExampleEntity, PlayerModel<ExampleEntity>> { @Override public void render() {} }``` I tried to registered it ``` @SubscribeEvent public static void registerRenderer(EntityRenderersEvent.RegisterRenderers event) { event.registerEntityRenderer(EntityType.PLAYER, ExampleRenderer::new); } ``` But nothing changed, Can you tell more about how extractly to render a Custom Player Model? Or how should to replace vanilla PlayerRenderer class?
  4. So i got a Renderer class ```public class ExampleRenderer extends LivingEntityRenderer<ExampleEntity, PlayerModel<ExampleEntity>> { @Override public void render() {} }``` And i want to replace/override this class to Minecraft Forge's Player Renderrer to render player using my custom class What should i do? I had no idea
  5. How to debugging my Minecraft Forge mods? I want to see what it println on cmd or etc... when running Minecraft Forge
  6. How can i add more mod when runClient in Intellij? i tried something like this but it not worked I add to build.gradle ``` dependencies { minecraft 'net.minecraftforge:forge:1.19.3-44.1.0' compileOnly "com.tom5454.cpm:CustomPlayerModels" } ``` or `implementation "com.tom5454.cpm:CustomPlayerModels"` or `/runtimeOnly fg.deobf("com.tom5454.cpm:CustomPlayerModels")`
  7. How to get all API of Forge 1.19.3? Example i want to know if a PlayerRunning event existed or what extraclly that event named on Forge, I do many research on google but nothing good to view
  8. can you tell the steps more clearly, or at least tell me where i can find how to render my custom player model, i'm sorry, i just learned about forge yesterday
  9. What is the idea to modify custom player model, and custom player animation like mo'bend? i didn't understand how it work Or how should i can create custom player model with custom animation?
  10. I can't import a class cause my external libraries missing it, how shoul i use classes in 'event'?
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