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Everything posted by sorash67

  1. i wonder if youd say this is incorrect: @NetworkMod(clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = false, channels = { "MoreOresMod" }, packetHandler = PacketHandlerMoreOres.class) packet handler: package moreores; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import net.minecraft.network.INetworkManager; import net.minecraft.network.packet.Packet250CustomPayload; import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.IPacketHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.Player; public class PacketHandlerMoreOres implements IPacketHandler{ @Override public void onPacketData(INetworkManager manager, Packet250CustomPayload packet, Player player) { if(packet.channel.equals("MoreOresMod")){ handlePacket(packet); } } public void handlePacket(Packet250CustomPayload packet){ DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(packet.data)); int randomInt1; int randomInt2; try{ randomInt1 = inputStream.readInt(); randomInt2 = inputStream.readInt(); }catch(IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); return; } System.out.println(randomInt1 + "" + randomInt2); } } -sorash67 || Skorpio
  2. i managed to successfully SEND a packet, but the receiving didnt seem to work. i put a system print where the packet sends and it was fine, but where it's supposed to receive, nothing. unless im mistaken as to where the packet gets received. -sorash67 || Skorpio
  3. of course i do. ive had one before i start this topic. -sorash67 || Skorpio
  4. i would love to know who exactly youre talking about by "everyone" so i can have a lead. -sorash67 || Skorpio
  5. what do u think ive been doing for the past 4 hours then? -sorash67 || Skorpio
  6. guys im seriously about to crack down... i tried literally everything that came to my mind that could possibly fix the problem... anyone have an idea? ANYONE... x_x -sorash67 || Skorpio
  7. but i'm not sure what to look for... nbtTag for itemstack? and GotoLink, can you be a little more specific with packets? since im still confused on how to do them exactly... -sorash67 || Skorpio
  8. oh god help me! ._. i have no clue how to do nbtTag stuff... can you help out? thanks -sorash67 || Skorpio
  9. oh is it? my mistake, that was an experiment! not the code im using right now! will edit it! -sorash67 || Skorpio
  10. yup, i was in the middle of it! -sorash67 || Skorpio
  11. but the problem isnt opening the gui, its using the functions of its buttons! the error that i get when i use a button on the server is this: Encountered an unexpected exception NoClassDefFoundError java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: moreores/tools/rainbow/GuiRainbowStaff at moreores.tools.rainbow.ItemRainbowStaff.onItemRightClick(ItemRainbowStaff.java:57) line 57 is this: if(gui.mode == "lightning"){ look through the link i gave you to understand better what im trying to say! -sorash67 || Skorpio
  12. hmm... maybe it helps if you read the topic i posted here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1907147-forge-server-side-custom-gui-with-buttons/ that's the reason why im trying to get a button function on the server side! -sorash67 || Skorpio
  13. thanks for clearing that up, but now how can i implement this so that i can use the functionality of client-side buttons on server? -sorash67 || Skorpio
  14. i know how to send one, but how to read it is what im confused on. how can i transfer these information and receive them on the server? -sorash67 || Skorpio
  15. i already have looked at both the wiki tutorials, at "Packet Handling" and "Advance Packet Handling", so thanks. if there's anymore of your help, i'd be thankful. -sorash67 || Skorpio
  16. coincidentally, i know i have to use packets somehow, but do you know how? -sorash67 || Skorpio
  17. my apologies, i didnt state my question right. what can i do to be able to use the functions of them on the server side? for example, i have a gui with buttons, and my item class uses these buttons to function, but im not allowed to do this on the server side! so how do i implement buttons and their uses in the server? -sorash67 || Skorpio
  18. thanks for clearing up something i already knew. now can you please explain what i can do to get it on the right side? -sorash67 || Skorpio
  19. ok, can somebody PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME why the HELL are these classes "@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)" now? 1)EntityFX 2)GUI related classes, server can't open GUI since "net.minecraft.client.gui" is involved! anyone know what the hell im supposed to do then? -sorash67 || Skorpio
  20. ahha no need! found a way to do it without extra programs! -sorash67 || Skorpio
  21. haha, just figured out how to do it! x) -sorash67 || Skorpio
  22. so no way of getting around it? -sorash67 || Skorpio
  23. Hey guys! before i start, i wanna say i've already searched this up, have seen your comments, and tried all of them! but none worked! basically i'm trying to instal forge on 1.5.2 with the new launcher for 1.6! but seems like everytime launcher starts, it refreshes the jar i modified for forge to vanilla! any suggestions?! thanks -sorash67 || Skorpio
  24. Hello guys, so i've recently made a new entity which is an addition to the new horses! the only thing i want different in this entity is its texture, and that's it! i've tried just extending EntityHorse and changing the texture function, i've done many different things, and i got the texture to work! However, the armor on the entity is now messed up! Basically when you put an armor in its gui, nothing happens! when you restart the game, the texture appears on the entity! but when you take the armor off of it, the texture stays on it, until the game is restarted again! here is the code! any help is appreciated! EntityMyHorse: RenderMyHorse: ModelMyHorse: ClientProxy: Main Mod File:
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