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Everything posted by Gabuly

  1. I am trying to add the goal to animals which let them constantly search for water block and approach it. I have tried using the iterator, which however not always returns the closest water block. The following code can function properly but I think this may very performance consuming? I want to know how people usually deal with this kind of tasks and if there is any good project I can learn from? public void start() { // LOGGER.info("Start!!"); BlockPos entityPos = mob.blockPosition(); // Define the search range double nearestDistanceSq = Double.MAX_VALUE; // Start with the highest distance possible for (int dx = -chunkRange; dx <= chunkRange; dx++) { for (int dy = -10; dy <= 10; dy++) { // Assuming you want to search 4 blocks up and down for (int dz = -chunkRange; dz <= chunkRange; dz++) { BlockPos searchPos = entityPos.offset(dx, dy, dz); if (this.mob.level().getFluidState(searchPos).is(FluidTags.WATER)) { double distanceSq = entityPos.distSqr(searchPos); if (distanceSq < nearestDistanceSq) { nearestDistanceSq = distanceSq; movePos = searchPos; } } } } } Here is the complete file: https://github.com/gabuly/Livebywater/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/gabuly/livebyrivermod/RandomTryFindWaterGoal.java
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