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scientistknight1 last won the day on June 1 2024

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  1. Yeah, Minecraft.getInstance().player only works on the client side. Is there a way to get the player from the NetworkEvent.Context?
  2. Try LevelEvent. Looks like that hasn't been updated for a while, Level used to be called World.
  3. That might be saved in the NBT of the villager? I'm not sure.
  4. That would work too, I guess.
  5. It looks like you have a problem one or more of your `.toml` files.
  6. `isDarkEnoughToSpawn` is the deobfuscated name. You'll need to use the obfuscated function name for it to work correctly, though I have no idea how you would do that for mixins.
  7. Yes, I'd recommend checking to make sure Java is set up in Eclipse properly (correct version, correct path, etc.).
  8. Did you try changing the background image location?
  9. Ah, I didn't know that. That would've been nice to know a while back, I suppose. I remember that it would have been useful... though I can't remember why.
  10. I'm pretty sure that will only work on the client; I don't know if that's important though.
  11. When you save the recipe using .save(pWriter), give the name of the recipe as well: .save(pWriter, "yourNameHere")
  12. That's good to hear!
  13. Great, they're probably the experts at this. I honestly know nothing about it.
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