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[SOLVED] [1.18.2] Custom armor set extending DyeableArmorItem is dye-able, but not displaying

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Title explains it all, I think.

I'm attempting to make an armor set that extends from DyeableArmorItem instead of ArmorItem and for some reason the armor model's color is not changing in-game. While the dye crafting recipes work, the resulting "tint colors" are not showing up on my character or on the inventory icon (except for the "Dyed" tag).

Any assistance?

Edited by CatzRule81
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  • CatzRule81 changed the title to [1.18.2] Custom armor set extending DyeableArmorItem is dye-able, but not displaying
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 5/15/2024 at 3:12 PM, Toasterkid said:

Your files are named like this?

  • armormaterial_layer_1.png
  • armormaterial_layer_1_overlay.png
  • armormaterial_layer_2.png
  • armormaterial_layer_2_overlay.png

Sorry for the delayed response. Yes, my armor textures are named as such, although the overlay PNGs are just fully transparent images because I wanted the entire armor to be dyed. Not just only certain areas like how leather armor has it.

leather armor overlays are the sole reason I'm trying to do this lol.

EDIT: Only the items have overlay textures, unsure what to do with the armor textures because I can't access Vanilla's own PNG files. For some reason...

Edited by CatzRule81
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Update on the above: Just tried creating blank (fully transparent) armor overlay layers named similarly to what Toasterkid specified, no changes. I wish this was as simple as just editing *.json  data files in the same way I could put layering on the "item in hand" models but apparently Minecraft is not gonna be easy about this one.

Using CTRL+F to search the vanilla DyeableLeatherItem and DyeableArmorItem for words such as "layer", "overlay", and "color" doesn't help much either. Might be something with the Forge getArmorTexture() method but I'm not sure how to do layering with those, since all that method is meant to return is a single String value.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Figured out how to do armor layering thanks to another post for 1.8.9 that still worked for 1.18.2, so credits to them. However, now I have the opposite problem; the armor textures are displaying colors correctly but the items are no longer doing so. I've already edited the JSON texture layering files like so:

  "parent": "item/generated",
  "textures": {
    "layer0": "cai:items/wool_leggings",
    "layer1": "cai:items/blank"

(also "CAI" stands for "Catz's Adventure Items" if you wanted to know that, it's a private mod)

So far I've already used the following in my code:

  • Extending DyeableArmorItem
  • Implementing DyeableLeatherItem
  • Overridden getColor() and getArmorTexture() to allow armor layering to work (see above linked post)

Anyone know what's up with that? Am I layering the textures incorrectly? Is there some item color class implementation I'm missing?

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2 hours ago, Shipwrecker said:

Maybe there's something happening in the 'leather armor + dye' recipe itself that would be updating the held item texture?

I am not using hardcoded recipes, I'm using Vanilla's already existing code for leather armor dying. (via extending and implementing DyeableArmorItem / DyeableLeatherItem respectively)

I have actually figured out that it's something to do with registering item colors to the ItemColors instance, but I'm trying to figure out where exactly in my mod's code I would be placing a call to the required event handler. Unfortunately the tutorial is criminally undescriptive. The most I've found is that it has to be done during client initialization.

I'm currently trying to do the necessary setup via hijacking the item registry since trying to modify the item classes directly (via using SubscribeEvent in the item's constructor didn't work. Class so far:

// mrrp mrow - mcmod item painter v1.0 - catzrule ch
package catzadvitems.init;

import net.minecraft.client.color.item.ItemColors;
import net.minecraft.world.item.Item;

import net.minecraftforge.registries.ObjectHolder;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.event.lifecycle.FMLClientSetupEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;
import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.client.event.ColorHandlerEvent;

import catzadvitems.item.DyeableWoolArmorItem;

@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD)
public class Painter {
	public static final Item W_CHEST = null;
	public static final Item W_LEGS = null;
	public static final Item W_SOCKS = null;
	public Painter() {
      // left blank, idk if forge throws a fit if constructors are missing, not taking the chance of it happening.

	public static void init(FMLClientSetupEvent event) {
		new Painter();

	private static class ForgeBusEvents {
		public static void registerItemColors(ColorHandlerEvent.Item event) {
			ItemColors col = event.getItemColors();
			col.register(DyeableUnderArmorItem::getItemDyedColor, W_CHEST, W_LEGS, W_SOCKS);

			//placeholder for other dye-able items here later..

(for those wondering, i couldn't think of a creative wool helmet name)

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27 minutes ago, scientistknight1 said:

What about naming it a "wool cap" or "wool hat"?

"Leather Cap" is already taken and "Wool Hat" sounds a bit over generic, but I might look into a "Wool Beanie" after I figure out how to fix the issue of item colors not working.

That being said, still looking for solutions.

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I found how to do this from a similar issue for MC 1.16. Basically, instead of trying to hijack the registry using ObjectHolder, you can just get the items from the registry directly.

So DON'T do this:

public static final Item ITEM_OBJECT_HOLDER = null;

// [...]

event.getItemColors().register(itemClass::someMethodToGetItemColor, ITEM_OBJECT_HOLDER)

Do this instead:

event.getItemColors().register(itemClass::someMethodToGetItemColor, ModItemsClass.YOUR_ITEM_REGISTRY_NAME.get())


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  • CatzRule81 changed the title to [SOLVED] [1.18.2] Custom armor set extending DyeableArmorItem is dye-able, but not displaying

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