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Everything posted by scientistknight1

  1. Yes, I'd recommend checking to make sure Java is set up in Eclipse properly (correct version, correct path, etc.).
  2. Ah, I didn't know that. That would've been nice to know a while back, I suppose. I remember that it would have been useful... though I can't remember why.
  3. I'm pretty sure that will only work on the client; I don't know if that's important though.
  4. When you save the recipe using .save(pWriter), give the name of the recipe as well: .save(pWriter, "yourNameHere")
  5. Great, they're probably the experts at this. I honestly know nothing about it.
  6. Ok. Have you looked at how they did it? https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AStandoByte%2FRipples-of-the-Past+TimeStop&type=code&p=3
  7. Ok. Then can you clarify exactly what your end goal is in a two or three sentence summary?
  8. I was doing something similar (except the block grows tentacles and attacks you instead of lighting up) and I just scheduled a tick half a second later each time I detected the player standing on the block.
  9. Ok. So it sounds like you want an entity that cannot move under any conditions, even if it's hit/shoved/whatever. Have you looked at how Shulkers work?
  10. Can you explain what EntityEvent.CanUpdate does?
  11. Ok, I was just wondering. Are you trying to implement Shadesmar, by any chance? Anyways, I suspect that you'll have better luck trying to work with shaders. Here's a few tutorials I found for using Iris/Optifine to do shaders, though I don't know if they're any good since I have never worked with shaders: https://github.com/shaderLABS/Shadow-Tutorial https://github.com/saada2006/MinecraftShaderProgramming https://shaderlabs.org/wiki/Getting_Started Hopefully someone else who knows more than I do can help with what you want.
  12. Quick question - based on what you said, it sounds like you're trying to make the shadow face towards the light. Am I understanding you correctly?
  13. That sounds like an interesting challenge. You could try regenerating the structure on-the-go using a Jigsaw block, or something similar, but that might not be what you want. We'd need to know more (end goal, Minecraft version, what you've got done so far, etc.) to figure out what the best strategy would be. Also, as AlphaIceCube said, you should probably start a new post since this one's pretty old.
  14. Thank you for including such detailed information about what you're trying to do, that's a rarity here! The reason you probably haven't gotten many replies is probably that (from what I have seen) most people here are asking for help and not giving it. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about how GUIs work to help you either, but I hope that someone here can! Keeping that in mind, here's some general advice (take this with a grain of salt): Split the problem into smaller pieces. For example, start by finding everything you can about modifying the standard inventory. I'm pretty sure that TerraFirmaCraft modifies the inventory, so I'd suggest starting by looking at their GitHub and trying to figure out what parts control their replacement GUI: https://github.com/TerraFirmaCraft/TerraFirmaCraft. Start small; for instance, just change the layout or something to start with. Then, add tabs, and so forth. Once that is done and working, see if you can restrict the inventory from opening, and only allow it to open when the user has a certain item. Proceed slowly. If something isn't needed, delay it for a future step. For learning Java, here's some links to tutorials and resources (copied from the Forge Discord's bot): JetBrains Academy (free online course): https://www.jetbrains.com/academy/ Codeacademy (free online course): https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-java University of Helsinki (free online course): https://java-programming.mooc.fi/ Basic Java Tutorials: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/ Introduction to Programming using Java by David J. Eck (free online textbook): http://math.hws.edu/javanotes/ Those may or may not be helpful, depending on how advanced you are by now. All the same, best of luck with your inventory overhaul project!
  15. There ought to be a Kaupenjoe video talking about how to do this, have you looked into that? If I remember correctly the video adds a "thirst" system but it ought to be trivial to adapt.
  16. If that's what's happening, then you've likely either misnamed your block (i.e. it's not actually named alotoblock:shaved_oak_planks) or messed up the JSONs. Check the logs, there should be a line somewhere about any missing/incorrect models/textures.
  17. There are also render types that support transparency by default such as "render_type": "minecraft:cutout" (only supports pixels that are fully transparent/fully opaque) and "render_type": "minecraft:translucent" (like stained glass).
  18. Change the render type to cutout in the model, or transparent/translucent (can't remember which one) if it's supposed to be semitransparent.
  19. I suppose you could use three boolean blockstates to determine which corner the block is in?
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