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Everything posted by Kakarotvg

  1. Got it working Had to look at a comibination of another page that was posted back in 1.5.2 as well as the buildcraft code, which actually didn't help anything. bucket class fluid class liquid class
  2. That actually made so I couldn't place the liquid anymore, I just need to get it to give me the new filled bucket, instead of the water bucket.
  3. I got the bucket working and everything I just can't figure out why It won't return the new bucket instead of the water bucket
  4. I finally got the bucket to place the liquid but I can't get the the bucket to pick up the liquid, it keeps giving water bucket instead of darkness bucket. this is my bucket code please help.
  5. for those wondering this was what worked
  6. Its ok i actually got it working with another tutorial but thanks anyway
  7. i used the nano command in terminal, but what xml editors do you recommend for mac
  8. when i try to run the build script with ant this is what i get /Users/kakarotvg/Desktop/forge modding 1.6.1/Hand_of_Omega/build.xml:10: The element type "project" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</project>".
  9. Using ant now, just don't quite know what to edit in the build.xml
  10. What I meant was, is it possible to compile it with eclipse, because Ive tried and it didn't work, so is there some way to do it. I have the Deathseeker512 setup, where My mod is in its own java project.
  11. Would anyone happen to know how to compile a mod as a jar, instead of a zip.
  12. If anyone knows how, could someone make an in depth tutorial on the new Fluid system Thanks I really appreciate it The only reason Im asking is because all the other tutorials, aren't in depth, and are useless to beginners, so please help. I have the fluid blocks, I just need to know how to make them create source blocks, and how to make a bucket pick them up and place them. BlockFluid class Fluid Class EDIT: got the bucket to place down the liquid, but still cant pick it up it keeps giving back a water bucket
  13. Homietoo could you post the entire source code for the liquid, because some of what you said I couldn't understand.
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