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Everything posted by Kakarotvg

  1. diesieben07... Thank you so much.
  2. new guihandler code new block class error log
  3. Oh your right gui handler
  4. Thats the only getInventory i could find
  5. I used the getInventory method and it still didn't work, Also I tried to look at the vanilla chests but I couldn't find anything guihandler code
  6. I didn't say it was I just need to know what the heck Im supposed to be looking for
  7. I can't understand what you are trying to tell me unless you tell me exactly what code I need to put in.
  8. I still have no Idea what that is
  9. So then what do i do
  10. Seriously I am stumped here please any help would be really appreciated.
  11. Not sure if you set your config file up right, Here is the way I have mine set up Main class block Ids
  12. tileentity underworld chest container underworld chest
  13. So I created a custom chest gui and it works, but the double chest uses the smaller chest part does anyone know any fixes picture code block class client proxy chest gui class gui handler class main mod class
  14. Tools: Armor:
  15. Thank you that worked
  16. Ive been attempting this for the last 2 1/2 hours and have yet get this working. I was wondering if anyone knew how to get a mob to drop items with metadata. my entity code note the ItemHandler.urotark has 16 metadatas with urotark being 0
  17. No problem, if you need anymore help feel free to ask.
  18. That should work, great job for thinking of that!
  19. I made some videos that might help. right when I start out I start by making a config file so far there are 14 episodes, ill be making more shortly
  20. Im not quite sure why its giving an error, but here is my github project see if it helps you at all. if it doesn't let me know https://github.com/Kakarotvg/TutorialmodVG VgTutorial.java is the main class
  21. I need the entire randomcraft class, not just a portion of it
  22. Specifically Id like to take a look at these two classes PlutoniumOre.java RandomCraft.java
  23. Hmmm thats wierd. I'd need to see all the classes
  24. post the new error report so I can see if there are any deviations from the original one
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