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Posts posted by Abastro

  1. 3 hours ago, qazqazqaz said:

    Thanks for the suggestion. However, my interpretation of zoom here is translating the camera further away from the player rather than adjusting the FOV.

    Oh, you meant zooming in/out from the player.

    IDK about this issue, setting the render view entity should work well.

  2. As Draco said, you can use %s for that. (I didn't know whether '{}' works or not - I always use %s)

    In my experience, anything beyond %s doesn't work.


    And as far as I know it's hard to change lang file on the fly(during runtime). You'll need reflection hackery. Why do you need it?

  3. 5 hours ago, SirWindfield said:

    Ye but the only way to do the syncing is by making the fields non static so each instance has actually other values, am I right? But that would conflict with the configuration annotation api. Because that api actually expects values to be static. 

    Quite upset that those two APIs can't work together. But creating a GUI for a simple Configuration is not hard at all. So I will probably just make the fields non static and use instances then. Thanks.

    Ah, I didn't read your code carefully. As Choonster said, you don't have to make every fields static. Just the field holding the whole configuration need to be static. You can create a new class containing all the configuration fields.

    You can do as what Choonster said. You can store the client configuration fields in any class/instance you want if you use it properly. I prefer to put it in either the mod instance or the network instance which can be accessed from the mod instance.

  4. 1 hour ago, SirWindfield said:

    Is there some way to load the lang files server side

    No, the only way you can use will be using server resourcepacks(the one which is only applied when the user allows it). Languages are considered as resources, so you can't modify it with the server-only mod. Also you can't get the server locale.

    1 hour ago, SirWindfield said:

    Another question that is similar to this one. I tried formatting the text and making it dynamic by including placeholders: "Some string needs {} argument". But that doesn't work. I couldn't find any information on placeholders within the localization framework.

    Would someone tell me the right placeholder syntax to make the following call possible? 

    new TextComponentTranslation("key", argumentOfTypeString);


    You need to specify details like {} on lang file.

    For the translation component "key", you set something like 'key=the string is {}'.

  5. 13 hours ago, SirWindfield said:

    Making a new instance of RPConfiguration is not possible if you use the @Config annotations since your fields have to be static. 

    At least for me, the annotation system has no way to actually set the fields manually since you have not access to the underlying Configuration instance.

    @diesieben07 did post solutions, but those did not involve the new annotation system introduced in 1.12.

    Well, why can't you get and set the fields when it's not final?

    Also you can create instance of RPConfiguration since it's not final. You need separate instance than the static one anyway, considering the combined client. Just send sync packet based on the static configuration and setup separate client config with the packet. 

    Anyway, forge does not have any tool for this. You have to do it yourself.

  6. How to implement it is just a matter of choice.

    You can make a new instance of the RPConfiguration class on client and manually sync the fields. Forge won't do any server-client syncing for you.


    Or, you could just wait till 1.13 like me, it introduces synchronized data packs.

  7. 2 hours ago, uranophane said:

    By directly making openGL calls, perhaps?

    It's prohibited due to performance, so...


    Why do you need thousands of wireframe cubes in the first place? I guess that's the part where many optimizations can take in place.

    Also it's better not to update thousands of vertices every frame. Store them in a VBO and only update it when it's needed. (AFAIK this is also done with chunk rendering. There should be tools for that)

    Don't call draw many times, it should be one main source of lag. Speedup of 2x is really a BIG improvement, actually. Instead, varying width lines can be done better with quads. Just play with some trigs and coordinates to find the orientation.

  8. 2 hours ago, Insane96MCP said:

    And if I don't have access to source code? So I don't know the Entity class?

    Well. @ObjectHolder requires Entity ID, not class.

    If you took a glance on EntityEntry, you must've found that it holds the class you need...

    So check for entity with the class.

  9. First, you'll need an item with the DNA capability. I guess it should contain the id of the entity type, but it could vary per what you want.

    Now I think you don't need DNA caps on entity side. Just iterate through the entity registry to check existing entity types, and do what you want with it. Just don't register items based on entity types. 

    And again, actual implementation varies per what you need - like, how would you use the DNA item? Should it be extracted from the entity? Does dna information vary per each entity-in this case you need entity caps-?

  10. 4 hours ago, GiantNuker said:
    if (!pylon.canDrawFrom(user)) {

    canDrawFrom has this line

    if (this.getCurrentMana() <= 0) return false;

    getCurrenMana & hasPool

    public boolean hasPool() {
    		return world.getTileEntity(pos.down()) instanceof IManaPool;
    	public int getCurrentMana() {
    		if (!hasPool()) return 0;
    		return ((IManaPool)world.getTileEntity(pos.down())).getCurrentMana();


    What do you want to say by that? Still the takeMana method can return unchanged value, e.g. when the pylon is off.

    I guess there could be more bugs causing strange effects. So you should know how to debug, which is basic java skill as well.

    So. Do you know basic java?

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