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Everything posted by Abastro

  1. What? GL11 uses degrees for rotation angles...
  2. Then just use renderItemin2D.
  3. No, I does not mean that the rotation angle is variable. the rotation angle is constant 90 degrees, [bold]But the "Rotation axis" would be changed.[/bold] and it is impossible to reset the rotation... Your fish model would have setRotationAngles or something. set the rotation angle your fish model there..
  4. Just use EnchantmentHelper#getEnchantmentLevel(int id, ItemStack stack). The id for silktouch will be Enchantment.silkTouch.effectId.
  5. Hmm TFC seems to be a lot different than other mods. Then you should inquire this issue in the TFC forum.
  6. Why didn't you do what TGG said? this.modelBipedMain.setRotationAngles(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0625F, p_82441_1_); Should work.. (Of course on RenderPlayerEvent.Specials.Pre)
  7. What do you mean by "this doesnt work"?
  8. What kind of animation do you looking for? If it just uses vanilla player model parts, you can do it easily in RenderPlayerEvent, by modifying the model's rotation value.
  9. Could you elaborate ... what do you mean by the GL11 are not always the same? Any examples? I mean, that it would be "rotated" already. Since GL11 rotation applies for current axis, the result is dependent on the axis.
  10. Please post your current code.
  11. How did you setup your mod repository? How did you import the tfc? As library?
  12. That's because the GL11 axis are not always same in the method. Just do it with your model animation...
  13. Maybe RenderItem.renderItemin2D would work. .. What do you mean by "I don't have to make it its background"?
  14. So That is vanilla's. Then, change the furnaceCookTime field of TileEntityFurnace to be same as currentItemBurnTime field.
  15. Then here is an easy way: Make textures for connected textures, and override the method in the Block class: IIcon getIcon(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side) in there you get the nearby blocks, check them, and select correct texture for it.
  16. 1. What is that 'if(true)'? (Do you know Basic Java?) 2. Are you meaning that the change doesn't get saved and reloaded?
  17. Try something like WaveFront model.
  18. That one would be very simple with Event. Use HarvestDropsEvent, and try smelting all the drops in the event. You should check if the harvester is not null, and he/she is using your item before changing the drops.
  19. Why did you bump the 5-months-old thread... Just make your own thread.
  20. You aren't doing anything in the onMessage method... Since the message.drill is just a part of 'message', not the real ItemStack instance player is holding, nothing will happen. You should get the drill item form the Player. & there is no need to send the 'drill' ItemStack.
  21. What would you use for rendering, ISBRH or TESR?
  22. Try putting breakpoint on SlotCrafting#onPickupFromSlot. (Yes the one in the net.minecraft.inventory package) Does it ever called when picking up the crafted item using any other of the slots?
  23. No, I'm not saying that, and now it is clear that you don't know basic java. WHY DO YOU SUBSTITUTE A PARAMETER? Then the parameter is definitely unnecessary. So... PLEASE LEARN BASIC JAVA! Then you even don't need the information about Block B... You should make a method like finishCook in the furnace's tileentity class, and call it when block B is activated.
  24. So when you pick up one of the item, is it works like normal item? For it could be ghost item only existing on client.
  25. 1. Remove private static final String __OBFID... thingies. It is purely for vanilla obfuscation, so your custom class should not contain those fields. 2. Please post any screenshot or video describing this problem to clarify the issue.
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