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Everything posted by Abastro

  1. What was problem.? Doesn't the code work?
  2. The difference is, you cannot access to the client only classes like Minecraft in if(getSide==Side.CLIENT), so your code would crash on Dedicated Server. So you need proxies. And, you got a crash! Why didn't you say that.. + post your current code, since the crash cannot be occured by the old code posted.
  3. 1. First, don't use event.getSide() == Side.CLIENT. You should use proxies for the purpose. 2. Show your Console log.
  4. What do you mean by "other workspaces set up"? If it is just a separated workspace, it must not affect this workspace.
  5. NBTTagCompound#getTag doesn't create any compound, so if it doesn't have tag for the context, it would just end up returning null. Instead use NBTTagCompound#getCompoundTag.
  6. So your jar is from \build\lib? If then, try gradlew clean, and gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse build.
  7. Oh then.. First, you have to use this method: "World#getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity" it has two parameters: Entity, and AxisAlignedBB. for the Entity, just put your Entity, to exclude the entity from the search list. for AxisAlignedBB, get it from entity#boundingBox and use AxisAlignedBB#expand(r, r, r), when r is the half size of box you are trying to find entity from. And, iterate the list to find the nearest entity. (use posX, posY, posZ) About entity's data, you have to specify what kind of data you are looking for.
  8. It seems that your mod is not getting obfuscated.. Please tell us what you did, for there would be some mistake.
  9. Just get nearby entities by using World#getEntitiesWithinAABB and get nearest entity from them. (There would be another way. but this ) I assume that you know how to use AABBPool and how to get Entity's data.
  10. No, don't do "export jar". When it comes to forge, you have to use 'gradlew build'.
  11. What.. you have to specify the particle by EnumParticleTypes. (What are you actually doing, why did you put String in it..) Just find the particle you want from there.
  12. 1. Are you testing on Creative mode? 2. You should call markdirty method when you changes an inventory.
  13. Oh. I just found out that Scoreboard is saved in mapStorage, which is for per map, not per world. Then, you should have to add/remove player in the Team when the player joins/leaves the world.
  14. 1. Scoreboard instance should be per world, so it is strange.. 2. Where the joinPlayer method get called?
  15. What is EntityParticleEmitter? Your custom particle? Please post some relevant code.
  16. Try adjusting rotationYaw on both side, not only Server side.
  17. Of course it is your potion class : PotionAlchemy class.
  18. It seems that PotionEfect#getDuration() does not return 0 when LivingUpdateEvent called. Maybe changing 0 to 1 would solve your problem. EDIT: No, Don't do the suggestion above. There is some methods in Potion meeting your needs. So. 1. Make your own Potion class, 2. Override applyAttributesModifiersToEntity, and add ability there. 3. Override removeAttributesModifiersFromEntity, and remove ability there.
  19. Oh I misread the Potion class. The constructor would automatically registers the potion.
  20. What method are you using when you change the max value?
  21. How much level do you planning to introduce on "Generate a new dimension"? Tutorial like 'Changing Sunlight Strength' can be included? If so, I'd do that using PR.
  22. Where did you registered the potion to the array? You didn't in Main class. If you didn't, try adding the potion to the array.
  23. 1. Just checking EnchantmentHelper#getEnchantmentLevel(int enchid, ItemStack is) would greatly simplify your code. 2. Your EnchantmentGift class would be needed, so please post it.
  24. You should get team from Scoreboard class, via Scoreboard#createTeam(String). (In case it wasn't deobfuscated in 1.8, the method returns ScorePlayerTeam)
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