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Everything posted by sham1

  1. I think you don't have the correct version of ValkyrienWarfareBase.
  2. Just do what he says. I think he knows a little more about this than you do.
  3. But are you sure that the NBT data gets actually synced between the client and the server? Also, you should work with that attitude of yours.
  4. And what have you tried in respect of "getting the right string". How do you sync the string.
  5. Reflection incurs overhead that I'd like to avoid, as I'm accessing a field on each of a list of entities, every tick. MethodHandles (that work with fields as well, don't let the name confuse you) have no oberhead as they get optimised by the JIT into just direct access. Also, premature optimisation is the root of all evil.
  6. Wouldn't it be 2 bytes per character since java uses UTF-16.
  7. But when one starts with git all they really need is "commit", "push", "pull", "checkout", and "add". And using those is easy. @OP, please don't give up. While git may look daunting, getting to know it is so worth it. Also, if you want to close a thread, lock it.
  8. I don't understand the purpose but your could try System.exit(0); The SecurityManager no longer allows for mods to use System.exit.
  9. I disagree with others in this thread. One should not use any kinds of wrapers around GIT while they don't even understand it. I find the command-line version to be easier to understand as it gives you more feedback instead of obscuring the actual process of using git behind a pretty GUI. I know there is a steep learning curve, but the most basic git commands one needs are not that hard. Anyway, here is a tutorial.
  10. Show your block code.
  11. Show what you have tried.
  12. He gave you the outline of what you have to do, now you as the developer have to actually implement it in code. There is no way around that.
  13. INB4. "It's the version I use" or "Everyone else is doing it".
  14. Also, don't use BlockContainer. It is deprecated and not meant to be used by modders.
  15. Well, I guess that before anyone is willing to help you, you should make your code readable. Try putting code-tags around your code, or better yet, put it to pastebin. Then we shall talk about your problem. Also, be patient. It has been 2 hours since you started this thread and you are already bumping it.
  16. 0xDEADBEEF. Jokes aside, what are you exactly trying to do that requires you to get all the entities. As there are A LOT of entities.
  17. BlockInstaFurnace _block = (BlockInstaFurnace)this.getWorld().getBlockState(this.getPos()).getBlock(); EnumFacing blockFacing = _block.getBlockState().getBaseState().getValue(_block.FACING); That is where you go wrong. You never actually query the actual blockstate, you query the base one. This is how you fix it: EnumFacing blockFacing = this.worldObj.getBlockState(this.pos).getValue(BlockInstaFurnace.FACING); (Assuming that BlockInstaFurnace.FACING is static, which it should be).
  18. And while answering to diesieb above, answer me this. Why do you sync max mana and current mana in different packets. Why not just use one packet.
  19. I went through your Github repository, and nowhere do I see any mana consumption in any of your items.
  20. Hey don't rage. When this thing with the GUI will be solved I will (probably/hopefully) not show my face around here again The fact that you cannot even Google for some of these things properly kind of tells that you are not ready to mod. You know what, Go through this, and then try modding again. It will teach you the absolute basics about java, and the most basic things you need in modding. That plus learning to Google should be your next objective if you want to continue this exercise. We would not want to be mean to you, but you are not exactly helping with that.
  21. I don't understand how to examine the variables from here. I can't find any proper tutorial Which line did you put your breakpoint at.
  22. The debugger just allows you to modify code in real time. I don't really understand how that would help me determine if the packets are received. While hotswapping is possible via a debugger, the thing what diesieben probably wants you to do is have a breakpoint in the method that is supposed to be called in the client side, from context I assume onMessage. You check that the values are correct, and if they are not, fix your code until they are. But doesn't a breakpoint just skip a part of code? How would that help? Nope. What a breakpoint does is that it tells your debugger to stop on the line marked by the debugger. Thereafter you can do things such as single-step through your code and inspect variables and their values. A quick google search on your part would have saved me the effort of having to explain breakpoints.
  23. The debugger just allows you to modify code in real time. I don't really understand how that would help me determine if the packets are received. While hotswapping is possible via a debugger, the thing what diesieben probably wants you to do is have a breakpoint in the method that is supposed to be called in the client side, from context I assume onMessage. You check that the values are correct, and if they are not, fix your code until they are.
  24. It still needs to be present in here to be called at all. Let's look at his code shall we? See this? That means that the proxy instance has to be Commonproxy or a class that inherits from it, in this case ClientProxy. And now a little lesson in java inheritance. You can only use methods declared in that class/interface whose type is in the method type. Let's for instance have a statement as so: List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<>(); While the instance stored in stringList is an instance of ArrayList, it can only use the methods in the List interface, however, it still does use the implementations of List's methods that are in ArrayList (well List is a bad example as it is an interface). Same goes with this Commonproxy here. While the proxy field may be populated by an instance of ClientProxy, you can only access the methods declared in the CommonProxy. In this case registerRenderers. So, that metyod has to be present on the common proxy, even if empty, as if it isn't, the ClientProxy one would not be called.
  25. And why do you think he should do that. You see what Client proxy extends? Yeah, the commonproxy. So one does not simply remove it there as it is needed to be called no matter what side. Just don't have anything inside it in the server side or you will crash and burn.
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