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Everything posted by Will11690
If donation/download revenue won't cut it I may also be willing to make arrangements to pay for at least an assistant that can deal with Networking(Pipe Logic & Packets), and ANYTHING rendering related that is not adding basic block models(Anything to do with OpenGL, especially in minecraft, makes my head spin and I just can't wrap my mind around it). We can discuss amounts through messages if it comes to this.
I'm looking for someone who for the most part would be taking over my mods main development. With work I just can't give it the time it deserves but I think it will be a good mod to fill the void of BuildCraft while still having its own unique twist. It is currently still only on 1.16.5 only because I just haven't had the time to try and get an update plus there were features I was working on that I had wanted to hammer out first. Not to mention I'm just not very good at Java or Programming in general. I can get things done and they mostly work but I am just not skilled enough to keep my brain child alive and honestly optimized. My only real requirement is that if I choose to come back I want to be able to jump back in and do so(Not take over per say just add to it again from time to time). I have a basic outline of how I want things to work in general for the things not added yet that were planned features and I also have some started but not yet finished ideas in. I'm currently working on getting a repo up on github that has my most current code so that way its easier for everyone involved to contribute. I'm sure the best first step would be to update to the newest version of forge first before doing this to give the next person a good head start but I'm sure alot of my stuff needs rewritten anyways so I figured I'd do this now as it sits. Any other questions or details can be worked out through messages but if you are interested please drop a reply. Here is the link to the curseforge page which you can use to get to the github repo: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mechanicraft For anyone who is interested please leave a reply. You will be added to the curseforge as a member and since I will be contributing less 80% of anything that is earned/donated because of this mod will be kicked your way(Can be controlled through curseforge, they have a way to split the earning). At the present time I am continuing to work on this but for the sake of making things easy for if/when the transition does happen I am sticking to 1.16.5 development for now.
How to stop rain from colliding with my block
Will11690 replied to Will11690's topic in Modder Support
Yeah, after looking into that and playing around with it(basically that'll make the block act like a plant and things like that which without making a big, ugly, messy hack determining what things its solid for) I came up with another solution that may also work to fix my lag issue. Right now my block has 12 possible block states with 6 of them having kinda complex voxel shapes(they are pipes and draw different connections based on the block they are next to) so I am thinking that I should move a bit of functionality to a block that most likely wont have 1000 of them at any point in one chunk. Doing that I can reduce my blockstates to 6 and remove the complex voxel shapes. If that doesn't clear it up then I will stick with my current "Hack" and just live with the slight weirdness that comes with it. I did discover what causes the weirdness in mob behavior though, since the blocks are basically only solid when a Entity makes contact with them the AI doesn't see them as valid paths so they just stick to where they are. It's sad how poorly this game holds modders in mind when they say they fully support them lol. Like the whole locking fluid physics behind the water and lava tags and making fields related to it hard to work with, it irritates me to no end. -
How to stop rain from colliding with my block
Will11690 replied to Will11690's topic in Modder Support
Welp after a short break I came up with this @Override public VoxelShape getCollisionShape(BlockState state, IBlockReader reader, BlockPos pos, ISelectionContext ctxSupplier) { if(ctxSupplier.getEntity() instanceof LivingEntity || ctxSupplier.getEntity() instanceof FallingBlockEntity) { return this.getShape(state, reader, pos, ctxSupplier); } return VoxelShapes.empty(); } That kills rain interacting with any of the voxel shapes I'm drawing and removes the lag almost completely. It ain't perfect but it works good enough. There still some weirdness with the AI of mobs when they walk on it(Don't move/spin around) and using a spawn egg on top of it causes the mob to spawn inside the block. I'd love some advice to fix if its even possible. -
So I'm banging my head on a wall here. I've been trying to find how minecraft handles rain and the way it interacts with blocks but I'm not having any luck. I'm overriding getCollisionShape and I want to set it to empty for rain because it causes loads of lag(I go from 200+ fps to 1) with my custom model and its not a full block anyway so I wouldn't want it to stop rain from passing through anyways. Also setting the block to not have collision does indeed fix the problem but then entities like players, falling blocks, and mobs would just pass through which is also not what I want.
Well I finally got around to updating this again. Github and stuff will be found on curseforge once they approve it.
[SLOVED][1.16.5]TileEntityRender render a full black block
Will11690 replied to tt36999's topic in Modder Support
Thanks for the giving the explanation, I was just about to go to bed when I posted that so it was a quick and dirty copy paste just to help them out. Good tip about the setRenderLayer being thread safe. IDK why I've been doing it this way lol. -
[SLOVED][1.16.5]TileEntityRender render a full black block
Will11690 replied to tt36999's topic in Modder Support
event.enqueueWork(() -> { RenderTypeLookup.setRenderLayer(ModBlocks.YOUR_BLOCK_HERE.get(), RenderType.cutout()); }); You need to add this to the same place you bind your TER. -
Stop automation taking from input slot[1.16.5]
Will11690 replied to Will11690's topic in Modder Support
So something like this is what you meant right? I tested it and this setup works I just wanna make sure I did it correctly New Tile: https://pastebin.com/XHduUJcA InputStackHandler: https://pastebin.com/JKZiSska -
So I've been playing with this for a bit now but I end up getting stuck. Whenever I put a hopper or item pipe on my furnace it'll pull items from the input slot. I was wondering if I could get some recommendations on how to go about this. What I've tried so far is creating a custom ItemHandler class and overriding extractItem but when I do that then the player can't pull the items out which isn't ideal and I was trying to find a way to check if it was a player pulling the item out and allowing that but I can't figure out how to check for that which lead me here. I was about to create a sided inventory handler instead and just tie specific slots to specific sides but I decided against that as I'm not a big fan of specific sidedness to blocks. Also I know there are some hacky bits in my code that I am in need of cleaning up and doing better but I'm open for any criticism as I'm still learning, I've gotten better but learning Java almost solely on my own with a book is rough lol. Here is my Tile class: https://pastebin.com/nnFw8pwX
As the title states, I've added these lines to my build.gradle but I dont think I have the right repository/file names. Sorry if this is an over asked or stupid question but no amount of google searches are assisting me lol. maven { name = "Covers (COFH)" url = "https://maven.covers1624.net/" } dependencies { compileOnly fg.deobf("cofh:cofhcore-1.16.5:1.3.1:deobf") runtimeOnly fg.deobf("cofh:cofhcore-1.16.5:1.3.1") compileOnly fg.deobf("cofh:thermal_cultivation-1.16.5:1.3.0:deobf") runtimeOnly fg.deobf("cofh:thermal_cultivation-1.16.5:1.3.0") compileOnly fg.deobf("cofh:thermal_expansion-1.16.5:1.3.1:deobf") runtimeOnly fg.deobf("cofh:thermal_expansion-1.16.5:1.3.0") compileOnly fg.deobf("cofh:thermal_foundation-1.16.5:1.3.2:deobf") runtimeOnly fg.deobf("cofh:thermal_foundation-1.16.5:1.3.2") compileOnly fg.deobf("cofh:thermal_innovation-1.16.5:1.3.0:deobf") runtimeOnly fg.deobf("cofh:thermal_innovation-1.16.5:1.3.0") compileOnly fg.deobf("cofh:thermal_locomotion-1.16.5:1.3.0:deobf") runtimeOnly fg.deobf("cofh:thermal_locomotion-1.16.5:1.3.0") }
I appreciate all the assistance! I finally got it working as intended.
Im not saying fix it for me but could you give me a couple examples? I've tried a few things with adding shouldRefresh and I can't seem to get it working. Also I have tooled around with the broken cook time section and I can get it "SEMI" working by changing this: if(this.isBurning() && this.canSmelt() && cookTime > 0) { cookTime++; if(cookTime == totalCookTime) { if(handler.getStackInSlot(3).getCount() > 0) { handler.getStackInSlot(3).grow(1); } else { handler.insertItem(3, smelting, false); } smelting = ItemStack.EMPTY; cookTime = 0; return; } } to this: if(this.isBurning() && this.canSmelt() && cookTime > 0) { cookTime++; if(cookTime == totalCookTime) { if(handler.getStackInSlot(3).getCount() >= 0) { handler.getStackInSlot(3).grow(1); } else { handler.insertItem(3, smelting, false); } smelting = ItemStack.EMPTY; cookTime = 0; return; } } but it only works if I put the output Item in the output slot. If I do that though it works 100% correct so long as the output item stays there. I tried to add the breakBlock function in to drop the items but it whines about not having IInventory implemented in the tile entity and I'm not sure of another way to do it. public void breakBlock(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { TileEntityBasicMetallicInfuser tileentity = (TileEntityBasicMetallicInfuser)worldIn.getTileEntity(pos); InventoryHelper.dropInventoryItems(worldIn, pos, tileentity); super.breakBlock(worldIn, pos, state); }
Ight I fixed it the formatting and also fixed the double posting. I had to right click and copy in Eclipse instead of control c to copy for some reason lol.
Sorry, my computer did that to me yesterday too with the left aligned thing, I didn't realize it did it again. I was still half asleep, I will fix it now
Okay so I have a custom furnace that smelts 2 items into 1 and I'm currently have a bit of an issue with it. The furnace is sometimes doubling the output when I only want it to output a single item. I always end up with 15 instead of 8. I believe the first one it makes is doing it right but then after that it outputs 2 instead of one. It also doesn't always work, sometimes when it is placed or after the items are taken out and the GUI closed and reopened it will no longer smelt items. Then most of the time if I pull the items it smelted out they just disappear out of the players inventory after you close the GUI. Then the last issue I'm having is when the block is broken the items won't drop on the ground, they just vanish into thin air. All of the source code for my furnace will be listed below(if i missed anything you need please let me know), if anybody could help me out that would be greatly appreciated and you will be mentioned in the credits of my finished mod once it's able to be released. BLOCK CLASS: RECIPE CLASS{the recipes in here are for testing purposes}: CONTAINER CLASS: GUI CLASS: TILE ENTITY:
[1.7.2] Minecraft Client Won't Start
Will11690 replied to Will11690's topic in Support & Bug Reports
I needed 1.7.2 so I could finish what I was working on and get a release out for it but as soon as I updated to 1.7.10 it started working. -
I'm using the latest recommended version for minecraft 1.7.2 and it doesn't matter what I have tried I can't get the client to start and always get this error.(before it I was getting an --accessToken error but I fixed it then this showed up).
Oh and [FEATURE] 1.) This is probably counted in blocks but custom furnaces (EX:Ore grinders, powered machines). 2.) A type of power system api for powered machines so that they can run off of all current types of power(EX:RF, MJ, EU, etc.).
It is nice to have a placeholder for it and to let people know about it though so even if it doesn't help right now we know that it will be released and will make it much easier for the inexperienced coders to make a mod. Not saying that I will use it but it is a cool idea.
Well I had a build problem with forge 1.7.2 but the problem is finally fixed so hopefully this mod will be updated by the end of this month or next if I have the free time to work on it.
[SOLVED] Execution failed for task: 'recompForge'
Will11690 replied to Zelnehlun's topic in ForgeGradle
mine says ':recompMinecraft' and I did check javac and it worked, I have no clue what is wrong please help -
Yes, it is just slow going. I have really been busy with school and what not. Sorry I haven't posted any updates in awhile but it should be on 1.7.2 very soon.
There was an issue and the screenshots got removed from the dropbox I had them synced to so I will have to retake them and reupload them soon, please bear with me I'm working hard on coding with little to show for it.