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Everything posted by Thornack
Ill have to take a look at what I can contribute
Not sure which tools you are referring to, but the latest 1.7.10 forge works and you can setup a dev environment even today still. But you have to use a forked repo of forge and gradle to do that. Java 1.7 and Java 1.8 still work as well. I am also happy to help. Is there a way we can create a section in the forum for legacy versions? For large legacy mods, Minecraft's constant version updates are too large of a workload to keep up with. There are some good stable legacy versions that are a blast to mod and I think it's worth it. Sorry people demand things, I try to come at it from the perspective of, they just want to learn while having fun.
And for those interested here is the map teaser video. This is why we should allow legacy version support for older forge. At least for dev environment support.
If anyone needs convincing why its worth it here is a teaser of what I have created:
Hi there its me. I used to be quite active on here back in the days of Minecraft 1.7.10. How far things have come. Minecraft modding was my way to learn Java.I literally knew 0 java but messing with Minecraft inspired me to learn. It was excellent and I am grateful to this forum for the endless help with all of my niche questions/issues. So in the spirit of maintaining the past, keeping it alive so to speak, I have come back on here to ask for legacy forge version support. I have recently come back to modding Minecraft 1.7.10, and yes it is still possible even in 2024 but it takes a lot to get the dev environment set up and all that, and am working on my massive mod that I never released. So I am hoping to engage the right people on here to rally for legacy forge version support for dev environment setup with gradle and to maintain it. Is it possible to get support for legacy versions, why or why not? I think it should be. The old minecraft has a lot to offer still. I know there used to be a lot of 1.7.10 mods that were fantastic back then and many were never updated to newer versions due to the insane workload it takes to keep up with their release schedule. But at least for me, its a ton of fun these days and I am a lot better at Java and OOP. Hoping to bring that to more people and see if its possible to at least maintain the dev environment side of the legacy forge versions into the future. @diesieben thoughts? I miss your snarky comments and condescending remarks from years ago. They made me a better programmer because I wanted to prove you wrong. Very grateful to you.
I have noticed that you cannot install successfully downloaded older src from versions of Forge (from like 1.7.10) and use maven to set up a dev environment which means that effectively you cannot mod older minecraft versions. The build script appears to fail when gradlew is executed due to the external repo's no longer being valid. The message states could not resolve all dependencies, where you get a status code from server 501 https required. Is there a workaround? (and I know the versions are no longer supported but for someone wanting to edit an old mod of mine for an old version of minecraft is it possible?
What would cause a [Netty Client IO #5/ERROR]
Thornack replied to Thornack's topic in Modder Support
Ya sorry about that my bad, I ended up fixing the error -
What would cause a [Netty Client IO #5/ERROR]
Thornack replied to Thornack's topic in Modder Support
[SOLVED] For some reason I had a string that was somehow being deleted right before the NBT data was being saved. So when I tried using it to send a message to the player the string did not exist and this seemed to cause the crash and only happen sometimes. Really weird but meh its fixed -
Hi Everyone, Once in a while when I test my mod I get a [Netty Client IO #5/ERROR] any ideas what might cause this? The console says the following: [Netty Client IO #5/ERROR] [FML]: NetworkDispatcher exception io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException [23:29:02] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups [23:29:02] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
Hey everyone so this is the solution to this problem. To disable the dropping of items via mouse drag you have to override the #mouseMovedOrUp() method (not the mouse clicked method) like so To disable the dropping of items via the "Q" Key (or whichever key this functionality gets bound to) use the following in your gui class and it works
For the mouse drag I tried the following - I created an imaginary barrier and using the draw method just reset the mouse mosition if it goes outside my guis bounds. However it isnt foolproof the player can still try and succeed at dropping the item by dragging the mouse fast. - need a better way to do this still @Override protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float x, int y, int z) { int mousePosX = Mouse.getEventX() * this.width / this.mc.displayWidth; int mousePosY = Mouse.getEventY() * this.height / this.mc.displayHeight; if(mousePosX < 140){ Mouse.setCursorPosition(140 * this.mc.displayWidth/this.width, Mouse.getEventY()); } if (mousePosX > 284){ Mouse.setCursorPosition(284 * this.mc.displayWidth/this.width, Mouse.getEventY()); } if(mousePosY < 58){ Mouse.setCursorPosition(Mouse.getEventX(), 58 * this.mc.displayHeight/this.height); } if(mousePosY > 190){ Mouse.setCursorPosition(Mouse.getEventX(), 190 * this.mc.displayHeight/this.height); } //Rest of drawing code }
@Override protected void keyTyped(char key, int event){ if (event == 1 || event == this.mc.gameSettings.keyBindInventory.getKeyCode()) { this.mc.thePlayer.closeScreen(); } this.checkHotbarKeys(key); } To disable the dropping of items from my gui inventory using the "Q" keyboard Key, I overrode the keyTyped method and changed it to the code above so that the "Q" key cannot be used to drop items. Still have no idea how to disable dropping items via mouse drag though. Any ideas are helpful
Hi everyone, I have created a gui with a custom inventory and container. I want to make it impossible for a player to drop items onto the ground while inside this gui. Anyone know how to achieve this?
thanks that worked
not sure why the item movement stuff is so very broken
Key is pressed public class KeyMiney extends KeyBinding { private static int index= 1; public KeyMiney() { super("key.keyMoney", Keyboard.KEY_M, "key.categories.custommod"); } @SubscribeEvent public void keyDown(InputEvent.KeyInputEvent event) { if (isPressed()) { PacketOverlord.sendToServer(new PacketC2SMineyKeyPressed()); } } } that key press sends a packet to server which then sends a packet back to client that opens the gui public class PacketC2SMineyKeyPressed extends AbstractMessageToServer<PacketC2SMineyKeyPressed> { public PacketC2SMineyKeyPressed() {} @Override protected void read(PacketBuffer buffer) throws IOException { } @Override protected void write(PacketBuffer buffer) throws IOException { } @Override public void process(EntityPlayer player, Side side) { PacketOverlord.sendTo(new PacketS2COpenMineyGui((EntityPlayer) player, (int)player.posX, (int)player.posY, (int)player.posZ),(EntityPlayerMP) player); } } packet that actually opens the gui client side public class PacketS2COpenMineyGui extends AbstractMessageToClient<PacketS2COpenMineyGui> { int xPos; int yPos; int zPos; public PacketS2COpenMineyGui() {} public PacketS2COpenMineyGui(EntityPlayer player, int xPos, int yPos, int zPos) { this.xPos = xPos; this.yPos = yPos; this.zPos = zPos; } @Override protected void read(PacketBuffer buffer) throws IOException { xPos = buffer.readInt(); yPos = buffer.readInt(); zPos = buffer.readInt(); } @Override protected void write(PacketBuffer buffer) throws IOException { buffer.writeInt(xPos); buffer.writeInt(yPos); buffer.writeInt(zPos); } @Override public void process(EntityPlayer player, Side side) { if(player.worldObj.isRemote){ //player is only the client side player here using if(!player.worldObj.isRemote) does not work nothing is called player.openGui(CustomMod.instance, 9, player.worldObj, xPos, yPos, zPos); } } }
When I click on an item it appears to be grabbed by the mouse but then immediately jumps back into the slot I grabbed it from so I cannot move it
176 X 166 pixels is the visible bit
The entire texture is 256x256 but the drawn portion is exact same size as the furnace gui
Hi everyone, I have created a gui where I have the players inventory and a custom inventory. I have run into the problem where If I click on an item which is inside a player inventory slot I cant seem to move it to my other inventory slots (not even from one player inventory slot to the next) and Im not sure what the issue is? here is my code: Gui class Container Class Inventory Class gui Handler class (I removed the other guis cause I have alot of them in there this is just the stuff pertaining to my custom one with the mouse issues)
Hi everyone, I am trying to add slots to a gui that the player can open anytime. The purpose of this gui will be so that the player can convert the amount of currency called "Miney" he stored in his ieep to coin items or vice versa (kinda like a deposit/withdrawal system) I have run into a problem however. I cant seem to get my inventory slots to align with the gui "slots". When the game is resized they end up in the incorrect spot. Anyone know how to fix this? My gui is centered and resizes correctly it seems. It is basically the same shape as the default vanilla furnace gui (same size too and has the players inventory as in the vanilla gui). I cant get the slots to stay aligned with the gui on game resize. Anyone know what the issue is and how to solve this? GuiClass ContainerClass
Hi everyone, I have been searching through the EntityRenderer class and other classes to try and figure out how Minecraft determines whether a player is inside a block (if you teleport underground and then suffocate I want to know what condition sets the lighting here/how is this triggered etc) I cant seem to find it
(special thanks to parzivail who figured this out) Hi everyone, lets say you want to change the camera to be farther back because you have a large entity or whatever and you want it in frame. The way to do this that I now know of is as follows: (if you know of a better way to alter the camera in 1.7.10 please post the full solution below)! 1) create a copy of EntityRenderer class but call it your own, for the purposes of this walkthrough ill call it ReplacementEntityRenderer 2) make ReplacementEntityRenderer extend EntityRenderer and make sure it implements IResourceManagerReloadListener 3) create method inside ReplacementEntityRenderer that does the following: public void setThirdPersonDistance(float distance) { this.thirdPersonDistanceTemp = this.thirdPersonDistance = distance; } 4) inside ClientProxy -> set minecrafts entity renderer instance to use yours instead like so: Minecraft.getMinecraft().entityRenderer = new ReplacementEntityRenderer(Minecraft.getMinecraft(), Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager()); 5) whenever you want to change the render distance (use the client side only render events such as RenderGameOverlayEvent.Pre, RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post, RenderPlayerEvent.Pre, RenderPlayerEvent.Post, call the set setThirdPersonDistance() method ((ReplacementEntityRenderer)Minecraft.getMinecraft().entityRenderer).setThirdPersonDistance(10); and voila if done correctly you will have set the render distance to 10 The default 3rd Person Render Distance seems to be 4. You can now generate getters and setters for any of the variables and control the camera (I believe)
I hate to restart an old topic but I was wondering if anyone can elaborate on parzivail's idea I cant seem to get a solution using his hint
[1.7.10] How to render Mob HP Bar above Mob's position?
Thornack replied to Thornack's topic in Modder Support
My code works if used in the RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post event but Im not sure how to modify it to get it to work inside the entities renderer so that the hp box renders at the position of the entity