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Everything posted by CowedOffACliff

  1. Install it to run a server with, or to use it in MCP? Also I went and cleaned up that page some to disambiguate it.
  2. What he said, but make sure you give your mod's folder a non-generic name or you'll end up like me, with probably at least 200 lines that have to be changed to rename the freaking folder.
  3. Okay I've got to disagree slightly on this one... I think MCPatcher has source available, and I also think the incompatibility has to do with custom colors, so I might go dig around and see. Also last time I tried using it while disabling custom colors I had some problem...it either still crashed or the actual HD textures just straight up didn't work. EDIT: I bet part of it is the custom animations, since you can apply a custom animation to ANY texture in the terrain.png, so whatever he did there might be conflicting, especially since it's a more recent addition. Same thing for custom colors.
  4. That is what I want to know. I am kind of leaning toward the SP becoming a hidden MP code change... But honestly no clue... As long as it doesn't cause any latency when the game is being played alone I don't really see how it could hurt, so I can't complain about the change.
  5. This thread is for discussing things, from the perspective of the modder, that are currently perceived as impossible to do without editing the base classes. Anything you guys can come up with could potentially be useful towards coming up with additional hooks to add, or in the case of misconceptions, material to go into a "Tips and Tricks: Common Misconceptions" type of thing.
  6. The wiki is editable by anyone, feel free to make such a page. Yeah, I suppose I'll make that next on my list, right after finishing my crash course on Git and figuring out how to properly modify the .patch files for the base classes so that I can get everything together the proper way and do a pull request. Having this sort of information available would certainly save a lot of grief for everyone. Note to self: Be sure to give special attention to what happens when you accidentally create an infinite loop during world generation (-twitch-) and how to recover control of the computer
  7. [ModeratePessimism] So who wants to take bets on how long it will be before the official API can actually cope with the needs of the majority of the creative modders out there? Forge has been around for a decent time now and it still has plenty of room to add new things that would be widely useful, so I'd love to see how long it takes to get a completely functional API that meets the needs of the majority of the community... [/ModeratePessimism]
  8. Maybe it would be worth adding a wiki article for generic "common modding mistakes." I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I certainly know that if I encountered something, and then saw a ton of people with the same problem, I'd take the extra few minutes to add it to a list of commonly occurring user errors. Actually while I was writing this post I thought of one. The classic: (incorrect) ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(genericItem, 1), new Object[]{ "#", '#', Block.dirt.blockID}); vs. (correct) ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(genericItem, 1), new Object[]{ "#", '#', Block.dirt}); Where Block.dirt represents an Object within an array of Objects, but using Block.dirt.blockID will return the integer value of the Block's ID within the block array. Using the wrong code will compile with no errors, but will crash the game when it preforms sanity checking on recipes during start-up. Maybe I should go open a talk page on this in the wiki...
  9. Alright, as promised here is a .zip archive containing my modifications and proof of concept submission. Information you will need should be contained in README.txt. Alterations to Entity and EntityLiving will have to be applied manually due to legality, but I've supplied text files with copies of my edits labelled with line numbers. File: http://www.mediafire.com/?su2cya6zcv4g01p
  10. They all act basically identical to how the arrow hooks work, with the exception that I used primarily void methods because it made more sense to allow additional code without overriding the entire method. Currently nothing I've added affects how the default acts unless explicitly changed by the modder, and shouldn't cause problems as long as we all use them responsibly. Also as far as generic goes, I chose to allow hooking into Entity.onUpdate() because that's as generic as you can possibly get in that regard, and it provides a lot of possibilities. I'll go move the death handler up the class tree to EntityLiving and perform testing to make sure it still does what I want it to do and also allows for the new functionality, then I'll get a sample ready and post it here.
  11. I haven't had time to prepare a sample because I've been busy over the last few days, but I've been messing with some experimental hooks I created. One is for adding code into Entity.onEntityUpdate(), so that changes can be easily applied to Entities that will affect ALL entities at once without requiring base edits. You can, of course, use the hook to target specific Entities of your choosing as well, via a simple if(Entity instanceof). I also added one that lets me hook into EntityPlayer.onDeath(DamageSource) so that I have access to the player as they're dieing. It would probably be trivial for me to refactor this and move it into EntityLiving instead, which would provide direct access to any instance of EntityLiving (which should be basically all mobs) at its moment of death (meaning you can spawn an instance of EntityItem with the proper arguments into the world when the mob dies, or something similar). I'll apply the alterations if you guys would like me to.
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