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Everything posted by The_Fireplace

  1. I need to see the code where you register it to know what the problem is. Also, this code over complicates things a bit, I didn't expect you to make an almost exact copy of the more complex of my two projectile rendering classes. My code there is designed for multiple projectiles to use the same class. Here is a simpler example, which better suits your purpose, that you can use if you want something to copy, paste, and edit, though I strongly suggest you look in to it and make sure you understand what all of it does. My renderprojectile: https://bitbucket.org/The_Fireplace/fires-random-things/src/master/src/main/java/the_fireplace/frt/client/renderers/RenderPigderPearl.java My Render factory: https://bitbucket.org/The_Fireplace/fires-random-things/src/master/src/main/java/the_fireplace/frt/client/renderers/PigderPearlRenderFactory.java And how I registered this is on line 31 of the ClientProxy class I linked you to before. Edit: as for the entity pushing you, I am too tired to look in to it right now. I suggest you start a new thread about it, we have already derailed this one enough.
  2. Take a look at how my rendering is handled at https://bitbucket.org/The_Fireplace/fires-random-things/src/master/src/main/java/the_fireplace/frt/client/ClientProxy.java It isn't a big change from how you're doing it now, it just needs an extra class, the render factory. Unless something has changed again in 1.10, this way of doing it isn't deprecated.
  3. So despite the fact that the mod is marked as client side only, you can't access client side only classes from the main mod file? And if it was an issue with the class, why was it a NoSuchMethodError and not a ClassNotFoundException?
  4. When I am in the dev environment and test the mod, it runs fine, but when I build the mod and run it, I get the following crash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18187657/ Here is the code that calls it. I have tested this issue on Forge,, and
  5. All I gather from this post is that I should look at old threads about animations and see about replacing the arms on the player model. The old threads usually suggested RenderPlayerAPI, which hasn't yet updated to 1.9.4, or replace the player renderer, which would cause incompatibility with any other mod using the same method to add their animations. Surely there is a better way.
  6. Hey guys, in 1.9.4, what is the best way to go about making a player play arm animations(Such as eating, drinking, etc)? My goal is basically to make the player clap their hands together on right click(a single right click, not holding it down), and I think perhaps a good way to do this would be to play the animation where the player brings food to their mouth before eating with both arms at once. Anyways, anyone have any thoughts on the best way to go about doing this?
  7. Hey guys, the new feature with 1.9 where potion icons are rendered on the HUD doesn't work quite right with my current code for adding a potion icon, and I was hoping someone could help me come up with a fix. So, the icon works correctly when rendered in the inventory, as always. Now, the issue is that when it is rendered on the HUD, some of the vanilla icons are rendered as whatever happens to be at the position on my texture, because my icons' texture is still bound, rather than the vanilla one. My code that gets it to render is in this file.
  8. Hey guys, the new feature with 1.9 where potion icons are rendered on the HUD doesn't work quite right with my current code for adding a potion icon, and I was hoping someone could help me come up with a fix. So, the icon works correctly when rendered in the inventory, as always. Now, the issue is that when it is rendered on the HUD, some of the vanilla icons are rendered as whatever happens to be at the position on my texture, because my icons' texture is still bound, rather than the vanilla one. My code that gets it to render is in this file.
  9. Are you using a network handler to ensure that the item is being updated on the server, then that change is sent to the client?
  10. My first thought was to use an event handler, but after looking, I don't see an event handler that would work for this. Perhaps there is one that I have missed. Besides that, if you know how to use reflection, that is the only other way I can think of.
  11. I figured as much. I still don't know which thread to switch it to and how to switch it. Or perhaps, there is a better solution. Anyone know?
  12. Hey guys, I am trying to make my code cause the player to go to the next shader, but it gives me the following error(and the nearby chunks vanish then re-render) when activated: And so you can trace the issue, here is the ClientProxy, where it is being changed from: ClientProxy And the packet class that calls the method to change the shader: ChangeShaderMessage I don't understand how no OpenGL context can be found in the thread when it is being called on the client side, so I am stumped on this one. If you have any questions or comments, let me know. Any help is appreciated.
  13. addVertexWithUV has been removed, I believe with the replacements for addTextureUV and addVertex left behind. I haven't quite figured out how to make them and the replacement for startDrawingQuads() work correctly yet, but I think addTextureUV is now func_181673_a and addVertex is now func_181662_b, both with the same arguments as before.
  14. Hey guys, I am trying to draw an image being created dynamically at runtime to a gui. I would like to do it from a BufferedImage(preferred) or a File. The code I had been using broke when I tried updating it to 1.8.8, and I have been trying for hours to get it to work, with no success. At some point, I scrapped my old code for a more efficient pre-1.8.8 of doing it that I found while searching for a solution, then attempted to update that code. The result is this: As it says in the comment above the class name, it is adapted from Dayanto's solution. public void drawCenteredImage(int xPos, int yPos, int width, int height) is called in public void drawScreen(int x, int y, float par3) of my gui. And if anyone is interested, my way of doing it back in 1.8: Any help would be greatly appreciated. UPDATE: I got it to draw the image. I still have to get it to scale up, and it causes a few other bugs, but I'm sure those can be worked out. Here is the section of code that was changed, if anyone is interested.
  15. Hey guys, is it possible to look up a mod's name from the list of loaded mods using its modid? If so, how?
  16. Hey, guys, I tried setting it up so I can contribute to Forge, following these instructions. However, it gives me the following error on step 3("gradlew setupForge eclipse"): http://paste.ubuntu.com/13005160/ Does anyone know how to finish the setup for Eclipse? Could it have been a change made in Forge Gradle 2.0, and the documentation just not updated?
  17. So, I am working on some code, and the crash I am getting looks like this: [19:18:58] [server thread/ERROR]: Encountered an unexpected exception java.lang.NullPointerException at net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory.firstTwoElementsOfStackTraceMatch(Unknown Source) ~[CrashReportCategory.class:?] at net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport.makeCategoryDepth(Unknown Source) ~[CrashReport.class:?] at net.minecraft.world.World.addWorldInfoToCrashReport(Unknown Source) ~[World.class:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.updateTimeLightAndEntities(Unknown Source) ~[MinecraftServer.class:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tick(Unknown Source) ~[MinecraftServer.class:?] at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.tick(Unknown Source) ~[integratedServer.class:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(Unknown Source) [MinecraftServer.class:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_51] So it looks like it is crashing while trying to print the reason it is crashing. Any suggestions on how to track down the cause of one of these crashes?
  18. After doing some more testing, I have determined this to be a Forge bug, and figured out a temporary workaround. The workaround: Why it is a Forge Bug: The issue is how GuiConfigEntries determines what height its top is at. Specifically, GuiConfigEntries:77( https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/fml/client/config/GuiConfigEntries.java#L77 ) super(mc, parent.width, parent.height, parent.titleLine2 != null ? 33 : 23, parent.height - 32, 20); titleLine2 is null, but the name of the config option the gui is for, which isn't null, renders below where titleLine2 would be, and this code doesn't check for that. Here is the issue on the Forge issue tracker: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2114
  19. How would I set up my syncConfig() to work with that? And isn't it called a Dummy config element because it shouldn't be used for "real" content? And can they be saved and loaded from the config file like regular config elements? I know in the FML example, it is a Dummy for trying it out, and doesn't save. Anyone? Also, just saying, having to do this big of a redesign to simply fix that overlapping shouldn't be necessary.
  20. How would I set up my syncConfig() to work with that? And isn't it called a Dummy config element because it shouldn't be used for "real" content? And can they be saved and loaded from the config file like regular config elements? I know in the FML example, it is a Dummy for trying it out, and doesn't save.
  21. Ok, I checked again, and it is not meaningless. When you don't make your own entry class, the following error prints to the console when you open the mod's config gui:
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