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    Minecraft Modder

Brenwwe's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Take a look at the ClickEvent.class as it contains a open url action that will allow you to open your url upon clicking the text.
  2. I would like to know how to make my custom bookshelf act like its vanilla companion and allow for greater enchantments at an enchantment table. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  3. Try Loader.instance().getModList();
  4. I recommend checking out http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Rendering_a_Techne_Model_as_a_Block dispite it being slightly outdated it should give you the general idea. Before adding a custom render to your block you will for need to know how to create a basic block and a tile entity.
  5. What parts of your mod are running client only code?
  6. Due to the issue being with minecraft's src I recommend backing up your src and creating a fresh workspace, then try compiling your mod.
  7. If you are finishing up your mod why are you decompiling?
  8. The installer for 1.6.4 does not work anymore, you need to either switch to gradle or create a patch for the installer.
  9. Follow this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQnPYu_Rcj4
  10. Well free to look at my bucket code here https://github.com/Brenwwe/EJ/tree/master/EJ_common/EJ/Fluids hopefully that helps.
  11. Safe your textures in a folder at mcp/src/minecraft/mods/assets/mochickens/textures/mobs/blueChicken.png Hope this helps
  12. I was wondering how I would create a block only players can walk through and not entities any help is greatly appreciated. BTW this my first post hope I did it right.
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