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Everything posted by Jacky2611

  1. Can someone please send me an example LogHelper for mc1.8? My Logger won't accept FMLLog.getLogger() as a parent. package net.dimensionshift.mod; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog; public class DimensionShiftLogHelper { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DimensionShift.MODID); public static void init() { logger.setParent(FMLLog.getLogger()); <-- I can't cast FMLLog.getLogger() to Logger } public static void log(Level logLevel, String message) { logger.log(logLevel, message); } }
  2. When I started i didn't find this many other tutorials. What you want to do is to create a block with a TE, that opens a gui when rightclicked. If you don't want to follow this tutorials you could try this one: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/mapping-and-modding-tutorials/1571074-1-6-2-advanced-minecraft-forge-modding-tutorial-1
  3. Please show us you source.
  4. I already got everything working in 1.7.10. (2 block stuff, you should be able to change the branch on github to see it) But now in 1.8 I have to change my texture rotation. The problem is that minecraft crashes because something with my new blockstate property is not wrong.
  5. Yeah, I had that idea when i started to work with blockstates. However, as long as I can't even get the basic stuff working it makes no sense to try something new.
  6. ah, damn. Forget what i just posted. Use what diesieben07 suggested instead.
  7. you can use furnaceItemStacks[0].getItem() instanceof BlockXYZ.getItem()
  8. I had the same problem with a LoggedOut and Joined Event a while ago. Could it be that it wasn't me who did something wrong?
  9. I just started updating my main mod to 1.8 but no matter what I do, minecraft always crashes with: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot set property PropertyDirection{name=facing, clazz=class net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing, values=[north, south, west, east]} as it does not exist in BlockState{block=null, properties=[]} I want to make ( /update) a simple Block with textures that should rotate depending on a Direction. Here is my main mod file: My block file: My TE: Blockstates Active: Blockstates Idle: BlockModel Active BlockModel Idle Full crash: And here is a link to my github project: https://github.com/Jacky2611/DimensionShiftCore Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
  10. A cone? Cone like "a round cone"? ROUND?!! BURN HIM!!! Maybe Techne can only export cubes to java. I would try to export your model as an obj file. If thats not possible you can use a software such as Maya or max3D to create an obj file. http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Using_wavefront_model
  11. Is what i would do. (Yeah, you will lose some itemPower, if you really want you can store it the remaining foodPower a new variable, that is added to the dualPower as soon as it is smaller than the maxPower) But why do you even care? Have you ever tried to fill a pot up until its 100% full irl? Or even until its 120% full? No sane person would try to do that.
  12. Do you mean a block with tileentity and a gui? That was the first thing I ever wrote for minecraft. Good old memories. (Yeah, i was an idiot. I should have started with stuff like blocks and items.) Anyway, I started by watching this tutorial and by reading the vanilla furnace code.
  13. Nopt sure if i should trust you Have you already looked at Open Eye? It is on github. (called OpenData)
  14. Main mod file: // ENTITIES public static int entityParasiteMaggotId = 0; preInit: EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityParasiteMaggot.class, "entityParasiteMaggot", entityParasiteMaggotId, this, 80, 1, true); Client Proxy: RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityParasiteMaggot.class, new RenderParasiteMaggot(new ModelParasiteMaggot(), 0.1F)); // the last argument is the shadowsize Entity: Render Model: custom AI: Spawning: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=6092.0
  15. Yeah, i will upload one in a sec. It a little bit special, so I am not sure if this is useful for you. AND I coded this half a year ago, don't expect too much. Could you maybe send me a link to your example project? I am planning to update my own mod today or tomorrow...
  16. I would just check if the fuel is smaller than maxFuel-50 before adding 50 to fuel. If not I would set fuel to maxFuel.
  17. Look at the vanilla glowstone lamp block.
  18. Create a png file. Put it next to your mcmod.info file. Add name.png to your mcmod.info file. Thank me. Come back if that doesn't work.
  19. isAiEnabled only turns on and off a custom API. I would try to turn it on and then make sure that there are no tasks that inclode walking. (Nut sure about this, I would have to look at my code) In Addition you can set its move speed to 0. Sounds like your item is dropped at client side too.
  20. 1.7.10 most likely using a TESR. But since 1.8 is already out I wouldn't do it, because all the texture and model stuff will change. (TESR= tile entity spezial renderer)
  21. Wait, wasn't there something like isItemValidForSlot???
  22. Use some sort of inventory event to replace bows & arrows and create your own skeleton. Then remove the standard skeleton from the spawn list, remove its spawn egg and add your own one. (Although this means that no other mod can do something with the vanilla skeleton) I would avoid messing with vanilla classes in any case because it breaks your compatibility with other mods in some cases.
  23. Can't believe i really wrote packages...
  24. What, we can get the block the player is looking at at the server without packages? I am pretty sure that i used some really complicated algorithm to archive this using the players head rotation. DAMN! (Cause I didn't want to add packages just for this one function.) You put the x y z values by using EntityLightningBolt(par2World, z, y, x). (yeah, its definitely zyx, not xyz )
  25. Yeah, but you could write your own function to check if there are bricks or planks nearby to determine if there are already dungeons there. I recommended to have rooms with predefined doors because this way you have more control about the design of the room.
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