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Creeper Killer

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  1. I had the same problem. You need to find where the script is compiled and deleted it. I believe it is in the build folder. If not there search your main .gradle cache file.
  2. Try gradlew reobf
  3. Try using build not assemble Look in /build/lib/ for the reobfuscated jar
  4. Sounds like an Id overlap reconfigure your ids and try again
  5. It's most likely giving a nullpointerexception which means there are no registered ore/ingots by that name if there were (like from IC2 for example) you would not get any errors
  6. Is it possible to extend the block metadata by using tile entities? And if it is where would I be able to find out how to do it? EDIT: Been doing some reading on tile entities and it looks like I don't want to do this because it would take more and more memory to do something like this so I am going to stick with the standard 0-15 block meta (for now) Although I would still like to know how to do this if just in case the need to do this ever arises...
  7. didn't see it!
  8. How would I make it where my custom sapling would grow using bonemeal?
  9. Is there a way for to have an item be at its highest damage and not break?
  10. I got it working but one one recipe can use it... Any ideas?
  11. FML log? They need it to see how to fix it
  12. Try reinstalling everything that works for me alot
  13. None that i know of
  14. It needs to be a fresh jar for some reason Forge's decomplier doesn't like any thing else (at least in my experience)
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