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Everything posted by LordMastodon

  1. Perhaps try adding super.onLeftClickEntity. Not sure if that'll work, but try it.
  2. Also, I'd recommend using setLightValue over setLightLevel. That's what worked for me (considering I overrode getLightValue).
  3. Plot-twist: API-ception.
  4. It also seems like your frame rate is generally low, probably contributing as well.
  5. 9minecraft and such websites steal mods and the money people make from mods. This is a bad thing, no? There are ways to make money through websites such as Adf.ly, and 9minecraft puts the mods through their own Adf.ly links stealing the money that the creators could make. That's the biggest issue, but there are many other issues as well. You can post mods on Minecraft Forums or PlanetMinecraft and then people can download it from there, or you can create your own website and host it there, or many other options, but 9minecraft specifically is not a website you want your mod on. There's no joke, we're just trying to save any potential money you might earn from your mod. Even if you are willing to relent your hard earned money to thieves, there's no way to upload your mod to 9minecraft. I mean, no one actually anticipates you to WANT to willingly hand over your money to a known thief.
  6. Got it. So considerably longer . Also, how do you think I could convert a version string that looks like this: "1.0.0" to 3 integers that I can use to compare to the internal version numbers?
  7. Good . It took luacs 2 hours to reply to the MinecraftForge bug report, so shorter than that would be awesome.
  8. Yeah moved it to the ForgeGradle repo as per the suggestion of luacs1998 on the MinecraftForge repo. What's the t2a (time to answer) for ForgeGradle (longer I assume)?
  9. Alright, done. Here's the link to the bug report, tell me if that seems fine to you or whether I should change it up. Also, one question: how log does it normally take until someone responds to the bug report?
  10. Can we see the path to the .json file containing your item definition?
  11. Do you ever actually CALL TileEntities#init ? Because I'm not seeing it in your main class...
  12. Should I post a bug report on the github?
  13. Ahh. Thanks
  14. I'm running Windows, and Drone runs Ubuntu, so I can't exactly replicate the situation, but running gradlew setupCIWorkspace build version returns the same error on my computer as it does on Drone.
  15. Do you know how to do this for 1.8?
  16. I'm not. I only have a rudimentary understanding of what those ARE. I'm pretty sure Forge uses them, but I don't. Here's the WHOLE crash report.
  17. So now my Drone build is saying: Execution failed for task ':deobfMcMCP'. > Your Access Transformers be broke! I'm not quite sure how you're supposed to fix that.
  18. build.gradle. Also, now it's telling me that Task 'version' not found in root project 'Miscal'. Which is intriguing, considering I told .gitignore to lift its limitations on anything gradle related and pushed, so Drone should now have both gradlew and build.gradle...
  19. Not familiar with Gradle either, but I'm assuming buildscript is the task called when the thing is built, so I figure out how to implement that task you specified into the build.gradle.
  20. Thanks, that helps a lot. Just wondering though, where do I put this task? I don't think there's any event that gets fired when the thing is built...
  21. You've basically reinvented SemVer. While it would be amazing if all mods followed something even resembling SemVer (e.g. MCVERSION-MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), it's never going to happen. To get text from the internet is extremely easy using Apache Commons IO which is already a dependency of Minecraft/Forge: String s; InputStream in = new URL( "http://jakarta.apache.org" ).openStream(); try { s = IOUtils.toString(in); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } You won't be able to use Jenkins for CI unless you already have a server. My personal suggestion if you don't is to use Drone, a fairly good, and free, CI server. Thanks! Do you have any tutorials on how I could use Drone? As I said, I've never used a CI server, and I don't really know how they work. I'd also like to create an autoscript that updates the version file every build, any ideas?
  22. Ok, so I'm probably just being a dumbass here, but for some reason my GuiConfig has decided it doesn't want to show my config options. It shows the category option fine and I can click it and it takes me to the config page, but the config page doesn't actually have anything on it, even though it should. Here is my MiscalGuiConfig class: package lordmastodon.miscal.client.gui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import lordmastodon.miscal.constants.ModConstants; import lordmastodon.miscal.handler.ConfigurationHandler; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.ConfigElement; import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.config.DummyConfigElement.DummyCategoryElement; import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.config.GuiConfig; import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.config.GuiConfigEntries; import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.config.GuiConfigEntries.CategoryEntry; import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.config.IConfigElement; public class MiscalGuiConfig extends GuiConfig { public MiscalGuiConfig(GuiScreen screen) { super(screen, getConfigElements(), ModConstants.MOD_ID, false, false, "Miscal Configuration"); } private static List<IConfigElement> getConfigElements() { List<IConfigElement> list = new ArrayList<IConfigElement>(); list.add(new DummyCategoryElement("kenSculptureCfg", "configcategory.kensculpture.name", KenSculptureConfig.class)); return list; } public static class KenSculptureConfig extends CategoryEntry { public KenSculptureConfig(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement prop) { super(owningScreen, owningEntryList, prop); } @Override protected GuiScreen buildChildScreen() { return new GuiConfig(this.owningScreen, new ConfigElement(ConfigurationHandler.configuration.getCategory(ConfigurationHandler.KEN_SCULPTURE)).getChildElements(), this.owningScreen.modID, this.owningScreen.allRequireWorldRestart, this.owningScreen.allRequireMcRestart, "Ken Sculpture Configuration"); } } } And here's my ConfigurationHandler class: package lordmastodon.miscal.handler; import java.io.File; import lordmastodon.miscal.client.gui.MiscalGuiConfig; import lordmastodon.miscal.constants.ModConstants; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.event.ConfigChangedEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; public class ConfigurationHandler { public static Configuration configuration; public static final String KEN_SCULPTURE = "kenSculpture"; public static boolean kenSculptureExplosions = true; public static boolean kenSculptureFuse = true; public static int kenSculptureFuseLength = 60; public static double kenSculptureExplosionStrength = 3.0D; public static void init(File configFile) { if (configuration == null) { configuration = new Configuration(configFile); loadConfiguration(); } } public static void loadConfiguration() { //KEN_SCULPTURE_CATEGORY kenSculptureExplosions = configuration.get("kenSculptureExplosions", KEN_SCULPTURE, "Whether or not the Sculpture of Ken the Mighty should explode.", "confval.kensculpture.explosions").getBoolean(true); kenSculptureFuse = configuration.get("kenSculptureFuse", KEN_SCULPTURE, "Whether or not the Sculpture of Ken the Mighty should have a fuse.", "confval.kensculpture.fuse").getBoolean(true); kenSculptureFuseLength = configuration.get("kenSculptureFuseLength", KEN_SCULPTURE, "The length of the fuse (every increment of 20 adds another second).", "confvalue.kensculpture.fuselength").getInt(40); kenSculptureExplosionStrength = configuration.get("kenSculptureExplosionStrength", KEN_SCULPTURE, "The strength of the explosion (3.0 is a creeper's explosion).", "confvalue.kensculpture.explosionstrength").getDouble(3.0D); if (configuration.hasChanged()) { configuration.save(); } } @SubscribeEvent public void onConfigurationChangedEvent(ConfigChangedEvent.OnConfigChangedEvent event) { if (event.modID.equalsIgnoreCase(ModConstants.MOD_ID)) { ConfigurationHandler.loadConfiguration(); } } } And ConfigurationHandler#init is being called in preInit. That should be everything, thanks in advance guys!
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