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Everything posted by xXxKanemanxXx

  1. Could it be that the Crash is caused by this line in the Tool Class ? this.setCreativeTab(getCreativeTab().tabTools); i recommend to use this.setCreativeTabs(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
  2. So the OnArmorTick in the Armor Class is not necessary or what ?
  3. Hello Guys I have a Question for you. How can i create a Set Armor like in a RPG which gives u when wearing 2 Items an Enchantment like DigSpeed, when u wear 3 Items it gives u Movement Speed and on 4 Items it adds Absorbtion. I've tried this but it didn't worked... The Armor Class: armorEnch Class: The armorEnch Class is used for the setEnch in the Armor Class... I've tried it this way but it did not work... I seek for help
  4. really ? thats awesome thx for ur advice
  5. okay diesieben07, so i've added the hasContainerItem method. I think now i need a crafting handler or ?
  6. Hey Guys, I want to make an Item which loses durability while crafting like in EE3 or IC2, i've created the Item and a extendable Item just for the Methods. I think i need the hasContainerItem method but i'm not sure atm. hope u can help me
  7. I think u won't need the achievement [] anymore in 1.7.2 it's working without
  8. Try to call the onEaten function in ur Sandwich class.
  9. diesieben07 what is badores.firstjoin supposed to do ? Because i have a problem with my OnJoin Event. I'm adding the Written Book to my Inventory on joining a world. But it gets added everytime i join a world. I want it so that when i rejoin the world i won't get a new book only on joining the first time
  10. i have just talked about the chaos ugliness what ugliness did u meant ?
  11. Only the genius masters it's own chaos
  12. david he uses it in the same class so MODID is enough
  13. in my opinion it's easier to have the setTexture etc in the specific Item or Block class Item Example: public ApprenticeMystStone(){ super(); this.setUnlocalizedName("apprenticemystStone"); this.setTextureName(text); } private String text = mystcrops.MODID + ":apprenticemystStone"; Block Example: private String texture = "CrystalRevolution:crystal_ore"; public OreCrystal(Material mat) { super(mat); this.setBlockName("OreCrystal"); this.setBlockTextureName(texture); } i'm using it like this because it's easier. Hope this helped u
  14. And is just ugly. maybe it's ugly but if it helps and if it works who cares ?
  15. That is something i want to read. Something that gives me the courage to learn Java And i got it already not with a custom gui but with NBT
  16. If its okay i would prefer to send u a pm with my Code because the thingy with the onitemrightclick Method does not work atm and i have to go to bed now ^^
  17. But i could create a New Class for this Book couldn't i ? I want to make this Book craftable and have this Informations stored in it. When i use the onitemrightclick Method it wont open the gui that a written book should have
  18. So u mean i could use ur Code for learning NBT thingy things and paste it in for example my Main class and then create a new Item that extends the created ItemStack Book ?
  19. I want an easy way on creating a book with i think it's called NBT thingy. So that when i open the Book it has the Crafting Guide of an Item and a little Text for every Item
  20. I thought this is a Modder Support not a read the code and do it on your own thingy... I would honor it if i could get some useful help... i know that i have to learn how to decipher java code... but i would really apreciate it when u help me
  21. I want to know how this works but there is no clue for me to understand the code of mdyo.
  22. Thats exactly what i'am looking for but i want to have a custom gui like Mdyo or Mikeemoo did with images of the crafting recipes etc
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