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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Asweez

  1. So I have a ExtendedInventory for the player that has one slot. Whenever my item is in that slot and I die, the item is deleted. How do I make it drop like any other item?
  2. Yeah it should tell you where it's looking for your texture but can't find it
  3. Why do they change the names?
  4. Ok so I see something is going on in method func_180426_a that might be useful. What does that method do?
  5. Ya: PacketHandler JetpackFlyPacket: (empty as of now) KeyHandler: KeyBindings: Init method: (edited for the important parts) Tell me if you need anything else
  6. Hi TGG, This sounds like a great idea! My only concern is that noobs will just copy paste this into their mod and then tweak a minor thing then claim it as their own. I have some nifty tricks and I'll contribute and help ya . Im really glad someone has started something like this. -Asweez
  7. Ok so what do I do?
  8. Ok so I have my packets set up but where would I put the player.addVelocity? Would it be in the handler? And where would the player's rotation amounts be inserted? Would they be a parameter for the packet or calculated during message handling?
  9. Packets. Yay
  10. Does anyone know?
  11. Ok so I know how to get the player's pitch and yaw, but the world can't be remote (!world.isRemote). However, I want to use the players rotation to add velocity, but the player.addVelocity method won't work when the world isn't remote. How would I do this?
  12. Before you initialize your EntityItem variable, you should probably check if the entity on top of the block IS an Item. If it's not your game will crash. As for the recipe manager, look into the CraftingManager class. Maybe you could use ArrayLists and a getter or something. I'm not sure exactly, but I'd have to look.
  13. I want to add a slot somewhere in the player's inventory that only my Item fits in. I can't quite get coolAlias' tutorial to work. Can anyone help?
  14. You're going to need a Rendering class and register it in your client proxy.
  15. Awesome, it works! Thanks diesieben!
  16. Ok I'll try that
  17. @Override public void onCreated(ItemStack itemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer player) { itemStack.stackTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound(); StatBase statbase = StatList.distanceWalkedStat; itemStack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("walked", ((EntityPlayerMP)player).func_147099_x().writeStat(statbase)); } This is the method in my Item. I'm trying to save the distanceWalked stat into NBT
  18. How would I do that, then?
  19. Ok so it turns out I can't cast EntityPlayerMP to EntityClientPlayerMP. Anything else?
  20. Ok, I'll try that. Thanks!
  21. I have an Item that I want to use how far the player has walked, but I can't figure out how to retrieve the distanceWalked value. Can anyone help?
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