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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Failender

  1. I am not sure what you want. I assume u want to ask how to make a player using the blocking of his sword without pressing right mouse button?
  2. Hello everyone, I want to disable the natural healing overtime if the a specific condition is true. My problem right now is that I cant find if the source of healing is natural healing or something else, like a golden apple. Is there a way to check if the healing is caused by the natural healing? Right now I got @SubscribeEvent public void entityHealing(LivingHealEvent event) { if (event.entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) event.entity; ExtendedPlayer ext = ExtendedPlayer.get(player); //check here if source is natural if (ext.isVamp) { event.setCanceled(true); } } } Any help would be appreciated Greetz Fail
  3. Seems like I got it to work, thank you very much!
  4. I am having an extended Player saving some kind of mana and want to render this as an mana bar on client side. how can I synchronize between client and server, so that the client has the data fromn the server?
  5. check out BreakEvent and BreakEvent.state.getBlock()
  6. It was BlockHugeMushroom I was looking for. tyvm
  7. Well. It seems to not be working. I have this inside my BreakEvent method System.out.println(event.state.getBlock() instanceof BlockMushroom); and its giving me false when I harvest a mushroom block..
  8. I just realized. My eclipse was broken. It was showing most of the things, but for some reasons NOT blockMushroom.
  9. Hello everyone, I am triing to check if a specific block is a Mushroom-Block The problem is.. I cant find the mushroomblock class. I am just using for the class I can use for if (block instanceof BlockMushroom)
  10. make sure to only call this on server side
  11. I want to change the overworld totally. Which means I plan to create my own biomes and ONLY use these. Also I wanted to change the fillmaterial of the world, which is stone by default, to another block. Right now I'm quite stuck doing this. I managed to create my own biome and generate it in the overworld, but im stuck with removing the vanilla biomes and changing the fillmaterial. I have no Idea how to change the fillmaterial. For removing all biomes and use my own I tried the following. Right now I am using only one biome to test it and registered it for every BiomeTyp, so none of the lists are empty because then it crashes for me. (this is party of my load method) BiomeManager.coolBiomes.clear(); BiomeManager.desertBiomes.clear(); BiomeManager.icyBiomes.clear(); BiomeManager.warmBiomes.clear(); BiomeManager.oceanBiomes.clear(); BiomeManager.addBiome(BiomeType.WARM, new BiomeManager.BiomeEntry(biomeWasteland, 100)); BiomeManager.addBiome(BiomeType.DESERT, new BiomeManager.BiomeEntry(biomeWasteland, 100)); BiomeManager.addBiome(BiomeType.COOL, new BiomeManager.BiomeEntry(biomeWasteland, 100)); BiomeManager.oceanBiomes.add(biomeWasteland); BiomeManager.addBiome(BiomeType.ICY, new BiomeManager.BiomeEntry(biomeWasteland, 100));
  12. The debug views allows to instantly import SOME changes of the code directly into a running java programm. Best example (for minecraft) is developing a GUI. If u got a GUI opened the draw method is called every.. frame or tick im not sure I think it was frame. Which means if u change something in the draw method it is changed with the next draw, which is quite fast. Some other chings might not be changed, like creation of a new method. Also some things might not other things might not work. Like setting the amount a food you get by eating something if you set it in the constructor. This is because the constructor is only called ONCE and that is when setting up minecraft to get started. Hope this helps you a bit.
  13. Not on the minecraftforge side as i know.. But there are on youtube. (eng) (ger) actually the german is quite a lot of stuff u can learn there
  14. Hello everyone, today I present you a little creation: The Lumberjack Mod. It just adds a little simple feature into the world of Minecraft: The chopping of a whole tree by just removing one single block. It also has two ways of disabling it if u want to only remove single blocks, first one is to sneak, second one is to use the /lj [enable/disable] command. You can download it here https://www.dropbox.com/s/0p1k6h0zk0oco5e/lumberjack-1.2.jar?dl=0 If you want I created a little spotlight for the mod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBOuGWfPYN0 Feel free to leave any reports or suggestions ! Greetz Fail
  15. I cant help it but dont find any sources about making a mod in 1.8 only needed on server side. I got something in my mind that it was the @NetworkMod annotation in 1.7 but I have no idea in 1.8 any suggestions? Greetz Failender
  16. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,28348.msg146006.html#msg146006
  17. you should make use of the onBlockPlacedinWorld method.
  18. Took me 1 min to look it up on youtube
  19. You could also check if its != null and then check if its equals.. That way you wont get a NPE
  20. You could also just use the onItemRightClick from the wrench, which might be a better solution
  21. Seems like you got an issue in your preInit Method at line 231. So show your Main.java please
  22. If you dont read your own text before you post it, how do you expect other people to read it? You posted your CommonProxy two times.
  23. 1. I dont remember proxies changing from 1.7 to 1.8, so no need to watch for new tutorials. 2. You are still using side, stop that. 3. Register renderer in the init
  24. I am not sure with this. But I think at models.item it has to be "layer0": "dlcmod:items/blockSchokoKuchen" not blocks/blockSchokuKuchen check it out, I got no other idea right now
  25. Normally GUI's are client sided. Why are you triing to use a GUI on the server side? I guess it might be that you got something wrong..
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